How to: Transfer parameter from SOAPUI to Selenium/Java (Continuous integration solution)
HI All,
This is my solution for integrating SOAPUI with Selenium. I gave myself a challenge to call the PAYPAL REST service, grab a response parameter and feed it into a Selenium script as a dynamic value to confirm the payment.
The below code I have made a custom method called runAPI. In my particular case it calls a SOAPUI project, which within it contains a few groovy scripts that output to the log using the method. One of those values I outputted was needed for my Selenium script to pick up.
runAPI executes my TestCase, reads the output stream, and then returns a List of strings which were captured with If your API fails, then it will output the exception/failure message and fail your test/build (as expected).
In the output code at the bottom of this post, you can see the output log for SOAPUI generated by SoapUITestCaseRunner. And at the very bottom you can the two string values return by runAPI.
From this i can grab the String below which I can then later dynamically go to using Selenium. Selenium uses this URL to confirm paypal payment.
Hope this is useful to anyone, and please let me know if you have your own solution.
package testsuites; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.smartbear.ready.cmd.runner.SoapUITestCaseRunner; public class runme { @Test public void Test() throws Exception { String dir = "C:\\Users\\workpeter\\Documents\\Eclipse-workspace\\SOAPUI\\src\\test\\resources\\"; //Call the SOAPUI project using my runAPI method, and it returns all the logs to Java List<String> logs = runAPI(dir + "PAYPAL_API.xml","PAYPAL_PAYMENT_TESTCASE","setPayment"); //Show logs to console. If for (String log: logs){ System.out.println(log); } } //===================================================== /* Method will invoke a SOAPUI project and return the log to calling method Example use: Within SOAPUI you have a groovy step which saves a particular value using That value will be grabbed by this method and outputted. You may wish to then use that value in a selenium script. Thus this method allows for continous integration between SOAPUI and Selenium/Java. */ //===================================================== public List<String> runAPI(String projectXML, String setTestSuite, String setTestCase) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null; PrintStream newPrintStream = null; PrintStream oldPrintStream = null; try{ //========================================================================== //redirect console output so it can be saved to a string and queried later. //========================================================================== // new stream to hold console output baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); newPrintStream = new PrintStream(baos); // Save the old stream oldPrintStream = System.out; // Set Java to use new stream System.setOut(newPrintStream); //========================================================================== //run SOAPUI test //========================================================================== System.out.println("===== SOAP UI LOG (START) ====="); SoapUITestCaseRunner runner = new SoapUITestCaseRunner(); runner.setProjectFile(projectXML); runner.setPrintReport(true); runner.setTestSuite(setTestSuite); runner.setTestCase(setTestCase);; }catch(Exception e){ //If test fails, fail build, and show SOAPUI exception.; //finally block required to redirect Java back to old console output }finally{ //========================================================================== //Save redirected output and put console output back to normal //========================================================================== System.out.flush(); System.setOut(oldPrintStream); //========================================================================== //Show and then return the console output to calling method //========================================================================== System.out.println(baos.toString()); } List<String> logs = new ArrayList<String>(); String StringStart = "[log] "; String StringEnd = "\r"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(StringStart) + "(.*?)" + Pattern.quote(StringEnd)); Matcher m = p.matcher(baos.toString()); while (m.find()) { logs.add(; } //if method is succesful, then SOAPUI logs will be pulled and return to calling method. return logs; } }
===== SOAP UI LOG (START) ===== - System property 'soapui.home' is not set! Using this directory instead: . - No base packages specified - no classpath scanning will be done - Starting 'LifecycleManager@1317375498' - Hibernate Validator 4.1.0.Final - Adding module 'com.smartbear.ready.cmd.CommandLineModule 16:25:21,388 INFO [license] ReadyAPI 2.2.0 started - System properties: {OS=Windows 10, User name=workpeter} 16:25:21,390 WARN [ReadyApiPaths] System property 'soapui.home' is not set! Using this directory instead: . 16:25:21,393 WARN [SoapUIExtensionClassLoader] Missing folder [C:\Users\workpeter\Documents\Eclipse-workspace\SOAPUI\ext] for external libraries 16:25:21,402 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] No JDBC drivers found in extensions directory 16:25:21,652 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] initialized soapui-settings from [C:\Users\workpeter\soapui-settings.xml] 16:25:21,873 WARN [ReadyApiPaths] System property 'soapui.home' is not set! Using this directory instead: . 16:25:22,616 WARN [ReadyApiPaths] System property 'soapui.home' is not set! Using this directory instead: . 16:25:24,591 INFO [license] ReadyAPI 2.2.0 started - System properties: {OS=Windows 10, User name=workpeter} 16:25:24,591 WARN [ReadyApiPaths] System property 'soapui.home' is not set! Using this directory instead: . 16:25:24,592 WARN [SoapUIExtensionClassLoader] Missing folder [C:\Users\workpeter\Documents\Eclipse-workspace\SOAPUI\ext] for external libraries 16:25:24,594 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] No JDBC drivers found in extensions directory 16:25:24,598 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] initialized soapui-settings from [C:\Users\workpeter\soapui-settings.xml] 16:25:24,612 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] Trying to initialize license for SoapUI 16:25:24,613 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] No license found for SoapUI 16:25:24,619 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] Trying to initialize license for SoapUI 16:25:24,626 INFO [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] Invalid license for SoapUI: [2018-01-31 00:00:00] soapUI trial - 660f5cac-e0bf-4fb8-a855-21617c8b2e62, issue date = Wed Jan 31 06:00:00 GMT 2018, expiry date = Thu Feb 15 06:00:00 GMT 2018 16:25:24,627 INFO [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] License expired at Thu Feb 15 06:00:00 GMT 2018 16:25:24,627 INFO [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] No reserve license found 16:25:24,641 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] Trying to initialize license for LoadUI 16:25:24,641 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] No license found for LoadUI 16:25:24,650 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] Trying to initialize license for Secure 16:25:24,650 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] No license found for Secure 16:25:24,655 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] Trying to initialize license for ServiceV 16:25:24,655 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] No license found for ServiceV 16:25:24,661 WARN [ReadyApiPaths] System property 'soapui.home' is not set! Using this directory instead: . 16:25:24,663 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] License host for SoapUI: DESKTOP-KQS99BN 16:25:24,671 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] License host for Secure: DESKTOP-KQS99BN 16:25:24,671 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] License host for LoadUI: DESKTOP-KQS99BN 16:25:24,677 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] License host for ServiceV: DESKTOP-KQS99BN 16:25:24,663 DEBUG [LicenseManagerServiceImpl] License host for SoapUI: DESKTOP-KQS99BN 16:25:24,799 INFO [WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/C:/Users/workpeter/Documents/Eclipse-workspace/SOAPUI/src/test/resources/PAYPAL_API.xml] 16:25:25,170 INFO [PluginManager] Adding plugin from [C:\Users\workpeter\.soapui\plugins\ready-mqtt-plugin-dist.jar] 16:25:25,172 INFO [PluginManager] Adding plugin from [C:\Users\workpeter\.soapui\plugins\ready-uxm-plugin-1.0.2.jar] 16:25:25,177 WARN [ReadyApiPaths] System property 'soapui.home' is not set! Using this directory instead: . 16:25:25,178 INFO [PluginManager] Adding plugin from [C:\Users\workpeter\.soapui\plugins\ready-api-git-plugin-1.1.0.jar] 16:25:25,537 WARN [errorlog] The Groovy debugger is disabled. 16:25:25,581 WARN [WsdlProject] Failed to find the "Default" environment. The default environment will be used. 16:25:25,606 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Running tests in the project [REST Project - PayPal Payment] 16:25:25,615 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Running TestCase [setPayment] 16:25:25,631 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Running TestCase [setPayment] 16:25:25,632 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] running step [getTokenBearer] 16:25:25,834 INFO [PluginManager] Adding plugin from [C:\Users\workpeter\.soapui\plugins\ready-jira-plugin-1.1-dist.jar] 16:25:25,842 INFO [PluginManager] 4 plugins loaded in 766 ms 16:25:25,842 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] All plugins loaded 16:25:26,605 WARN [ResponseProcessCookies] Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: X-PP-SILOVER=name%3DSANDBOX3.API.1%26silo_version%3D1880%26app%3Dapiplatformproxyserv%26TIME%3D3814266203%26HTTP_X_PP_AZ_LOCATOR%3Dsandbox.slc; Expires=Mon, 04 Jun 2018 15:55:23 GMT;; path=/; Secure; HttpOnly". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Mon, 04 Jun 2018 15:55:23 GMT 16:25:26,606 WARN [ResponseProcessCookies] Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: X-PP-SILOVER=; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT 16:25:27,034 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Assertion [Valid HTTP Status Codes] has status VALID 16:25:27,034 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Assertion [Script Assertion - Verify access token exists] has status VALID 16:25:27,035 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] running step [save TokenBearer into a testcase parameter] 16:25:27,175 INFO [log] (access_token): A21AAETTgqwt9lQIwNSvGqi-UZeNipW6c9LoGisOSx96Qqx9rEIlE36pzb9-1mfTK-W20qV9llyqy-NSIxQqrYg3rwruVoEMg 16:25:27,184 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] running step [createPayement] 16:25:28,237 WARN [ResponseProcessCookies] Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: X-PP-SILOVER=name%3DSANDBOX3.API.1%26silo_version%3D1880%26app%3Dapiplatformproxyserv%26TIME%3D3847820635%26HTTP_X_PP_AZ_LOCATOR%3Dsandbox.slc; Expires=Mon, 04 Jun 2018 15:55:25 GMT;; path=/; Secure; HttpOnly". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Mon, 04 Jun 2018 15:55:25 GMT 16:25:28,237 WARN [ResponseProcessCookies] Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: X-PP-SILOVER=; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT 16:25:28,279 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Assertion [Script Assertion] has status VALID 16:25:28,279 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] running step [save payerConfirmURL into a testcase paramter] 16:25:28,330 INFO [log] 16:25:28,345 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Finished running TestCase [setPayment], time taken: 2002ms, status: FINISHED 16:25:28,348 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] TestCase [setPayment] finished with status [FINISHED] in 2002ms ReadyAPI 2.2.0 TestCaseRunner Summary ----------------------------- Time Taken: 2742ms Total TestSuites: 0 Total TestCases: 1 (0 failed) Total TestSteps: 4 Total Request Assertions: 3 Total Failed Assertions: 0 Total Exported Results: 0 (access_token): A21AAETTgqwt9lQIwNSvGqi-UZeNipW6c9LoGisOSx96Qqx9rEIlE36pzb9-1mfTK-W20qV9llyqy-NSIxQqrYg3rwruVoEMg