Forum Discussion

prabalmtr's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

how to remove the restriction of using new excel file for each new response???

please  someone tell me-->

for getting response of executed SOAPUI test cases, i used excel files but there is a problem like-  i have to create a new excel file(workbook) each time for getting responses.
is there any way so that i can get all the test case responses in a single workbook having multiple worksheets???

2 Replies

  • AnandKiran's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    You need to open and close the excel workbook dynamically to achieve it , else it will create new workbook for every response you get

  • prabalmtr's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    hi AnandKiran,
    could u plz elaborate wt do u mean by DYNAMICally opening and closing of workbooks?