Forum Discussion
What are you trying to achieve with this script?
After the first line, you can just get the fields directly.
def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response) assert json.payload.authstatus == "string"
I am trying to read each node in response and I have an JDBC xmlresponse ready. So I want to compare the response payload with each tag of the jdbc xml and then insert to an excel after comparing the data
Ok, so I think this is all you need, right?
def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response) def groovyutils = new def DBholder = groovyutils.getXmlHolder("JDBC RequestForDatabase#ResponseAsXml")
assert ==
assert == json.payload.barYa. This would be fine. I haven't thought like this. Thank you I will check now.
My JDBC response is like below
<ResultSet fetchSize="10">
<Row rowNumber="1">
</Results>But when I use
def DBholder = groovyutils.getXmlHolder("JDBC RequestForDatabase#ResponseAsXml")
assert DBholder.V_OBJ_ID ==
I am getting the below error. there is no value for DBholder.V_OBJ_ID (toString() threw java.lang.NullPointerException) error at line: 27