12 years agoNew Contributor
Enhancing the reports in Jenkins
Currently, I have a Jenkins job configured to use an ant build task to execute the testrunner.bat to run my SOAP UI tests suite and it all works. The test report information in Jenkins are pretty shallow though. I configured the JUnitReport ant task and the test information though slightly better is still far from what I'd like. I figured I may have two options to customize the reporting:
1. to override the JUnitReportCollector to customize the reporting (if it is possible to specify my own over-ridden JUnitReportCollector as a parameter to testrunner.bat?)
2. to use the listeners capability
I'm using SOAP UI (not Pro). Here are the things I'm hoping to achieve:
1. Each test case should also list all test steps
2. Each test step should list all it's assertions regardless of success or failure
3. Each test step that has a soap request/response should be hyper-linked to view this
Would appreciate pointers on whether overriding the JUnitReportCollector or using the Listeners capability is the way to go to achieve my needs. And any pointers on how to go about implementing the list of items I've listed above.
1. to override the JUnitReportCollector to customize the reporting (if it is possible to specify my own over-ridden JUnitReportCollector as a parameter to testrunner.bat?)
2. to use the listeners capability
I'm using SOAP UI (not Pro). Here are the things I'm hoping to achieve:
1. Each test case should also list all test steps
2. Each test step should list all it's assertions regardless of success or failure
3. Each test step that has a soap request/response should be hyper-linked to view this
Would appreciate pointers on whether overriding the JUnitReportCollector or using the Listeners capability is the way to go to achieve my needs. And any pointers on how to go about implementing the list of items I've listed above.