How to enhance the report in jenkins to get test step level failures
Hi All. I'm using ReadyAPI 3.0
My Expectation is:
Right now, I'm running my automation in jenkins. I have used couple of "Run Test Step" approach. Let say,
Test Case A ---> Run Test Step (will call test case B).
Test case B ---> Run Test Step (Will call test case C). If any failures happens in B or C. I'm only getting "test failed due to run test step" instead is it possible to get the exact failure of B or C in Test Case A? I've tried some listener it does the job, but it printing the logs in jenkins console level. I would like to have in a email format that readyAPI already generating. So I can use that to send developers. Is there anyway for that ? if not any alternate approach would br highly appreciated. Thanks
Hi arunbharath ,
You can command ReadyAPI to generate an external report containing the details about failed test steps by specifying the -F or -R command-line options in the runner's command line. ReadyAPI supports the following formats: PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT and XML, and all of them should include the information you need. Please refer to the following help topics for details:
Preconfigured Report Styles
Command-Line ArgumentsHow does it work for you?