Forum Discussion

livebythecreed's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Can't import wsdl file

Hello everyone,   I am trying to import a wsdl in SOAPUI 5.1.3 which also imports some xsd files. The line that does that is:   <import namespace="" schemaLoca...
  • rupert_anderson's avatar
    10 years ago

    Ok, no problem, lets hope this is all it is, common issue.


    I tend to use MANUAL, as you say. Then it is normally a case of setting HOST (your prxy hostname or IP), PORT e.g. 8080, user and password (often your company login details, assuming they match the proxy ones)


    If you are unsure of these values, I tend to check what your browser is using e.g. in network settings, if the browser can see the internet via a proxy, then these details also need to be provided to SoapUI.


    You might try the AUTOMATIC option, this might lookup the hostname / port for you, but you would still need the proxy user/password details.

