Bug importing WSDL
Hi all,
.. Whilst writing this post a 'work-a-round' has been discovered...
I was wondering if anybody else has encountered this issue?
A WSDL pointing towards a live definition URL which requires basic authentication
1. Right click the WSDL and click 'Update Definition'
2. Click 'OK'
3. Enter the username and password into the basic authentication window & 'OK'
- The WSDL is successfully updated
4. Exit SoapUi without saving
5. Reopen SoapUi
6. Right click the WSDL and click 'Update Definition'
7. Click 'OK'
Current behaviour:
The basic authentication window in blank, The only way to exit the application is to crash to desktop.
Access: C:\Users\<YourProfile>
Delete: default-soapui-workspace.xml
Reopen SoapUi, you'll have to import your project again.
You can now update the WSDL again.
...Following the 'Steps' section will again break the basic authentication window.
Hope this helps someone else..
- Hmm. ok.
Please see if the below alternative helps:
Access the wsdl using browser, save a local copy of the same and then import / update wsdl which should avoid (password blank ) problem.