Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
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6 years ago

[Week 1] API Masterminds Winners

Week 1 of API Masterminds is over, and I really like what I am seeing in the ReadyAPI Community at the moment!

Thank you to everyone who participated in discussions and started them. A lot of knowledge and expertise were shared and just as much value was added to the Community. Great job!


Let me introduce the fabulous winners of API Masterminds Week 1:

1st place - nmrao 
2nd place - HimanshuTayal 
3rd place - richie , arunbharath

This is an awesome achievement, keep going! You will receive your prizes from SmartBear really soon. We are happy to send $50, $35 and $15 gift cards (the gift card value corresponds to your place). Let's rock API Masterminds!


Let’s see if you can stay on top for the rest of the event. It won’t be easy because you have strong competitors who almost got you: 


thePantz , _ivanovich_ , PratikshaMehete , hazel_chua , Vallalarasu_P , ArthurM , senthkum 


I am wishing the best of luck to those who were really close to winning last week.

With just a little effort, you can do this!


Today, we are starting Week 2 of the API Masterminds event. Keep posting to the ReadyAPI Community. Some additional tasks will be announced this week - stay tuned.


We will announce the winners next week.

Good luck and have fun!:cathappy: