Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
5 years ago

API Masterminds Finale + Week 4 Winners

Hi dear API Testers! 


The API Masterminds event is officially over. It was a very exciting month for the whole ReadyAPI Community for sure! 

Thanks to everyone who participated, we hope you found this as useful and interesting as we did :smileyhappy: Your participation was truly great and you all made this event really special! 

Before announcing the winners of Week 4, let us show you how fruitful this month was for the ReadyAPI Community in numbers: 
56 new topics started 
435 (!) replies given 
39 solutions marked 
183 Kudos received 
7 API Masterminds won special prizes from SmartBear! Congrats!  
And, now, the moment we’ve been waiting for – the winners of Week 4 of API Masterminds based on the number of posts and Kudos received: 


1st place - HimanshuTayal 
2nd place - nmrao 
3rd place - PratikshaMehete 


Congratulations, winners! You’d brought a lot of knowledge and expertise to the Community over the course of the week. We will be happy to send you prizes from SmartBear - $50, $35, and $15 gift cards (according to the places). Thank you for making the ReadyAPI Community a better place.  
We hope everyone had a great and productive time! 
Now, the event is over and this even feels a little bit sad. The good news is we are planning on setting up more awesome online events in the ReadyAPI Community in the future! Stay tuned :smileyhappy:


Take care and stay safe people. See you real soon on the pages of the SmartBear Community.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Congratulations all the participants and winners.

    I feel a lot learned thru this event.

    This event gave an oppertunity to explore ideas (from feature requests) which I couldn't look earlier and try them along with regular community questions and special questions by sonya_m (Smartbear team, I see lot of effort had put into to come up innovatively) which extracted lot of technical information of the most powerful features of the product.


    Believing that community would get great benefit out of this kind of events. And more over this is encouraging and rewarding. Thanks you so much Smartbear team.


    The content came up via this events is awesome. However, is there better way to access these threads (specially the tecnical questions by Sonya) for quick access for later references such as KB article or part of documentation improvement or resources or any otherway which you think better?

    Becuase, these threads are difficult to search / find over time in the QA.


    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      nmrao indeed we are assigning special tags to threads each event. You can find API Masterminds-related things under the API Masterminds tag like so.

      I am glad you enjoyed the event!

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        Hmm. I was talking about for the easiness to find the content at a common place for the benefit of new members.

        If get time, then there is no difference. Every time I see a new question is an opportunity to understand, learn new use cases from community.