Forum Discussion

4nes-team's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

ReadyAPI saving/closing/starting the program takes very, very long time



every time I try to save a 40 MB project (ReadyAPI is installed on a vm and project direrctory is on a external server) it takes meanwhile up to 30 minutes to finish the process.

Another issue is the very, very long startup of the program. I tried all the stuff with .vmoptions and by deleting the db content, nothing works.

 It's like that since approx. version 3.x.

Anyone a clue what is wrong with it. I mean we've got an expensive PRO version that's not working properly. Please help.


Regards, 4nes-team

  • nmrao's avatar
    4 years ago

    Based on the description of the issue, it is not sure what is the configuration of vm.
    What you can do at your end for the moment, check the below and try

    1. Please refer documentation memory optimization if not already


    2. Other best practices


    3. Analyze and see what is causing the project so stuffed and how the project size can be condensed?

    It is not a less pain to wait for 30 min on each save and startup.

    In the workspace of ReadyAPI, is this 40MB project alone or any other projects as well.

    We are the members like you who are using the tool. Not sure if you have got chance to go thru the links provided earlier, those are based on multiple community members inputs either by usages or by expertise over a period of time.


    I believe, you are here with a question seeking help. It is up to you to take suggestions or not. But no need to laugh at others for the suggestions / views. Please understand that others are spending time for your question.

    Hope Smartbear team would further help you with their recommendations for your issues.