Forum Discussion

rsaritzky's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Message "line -1: Response is missing or empty" when submitting a POST message

Hi, In SoapUI Open source, I'm trying to submit a REST web service call.  I was able to load the WSDL from my web service definition just fine.  I was able to create an authentication header that fi...
  • rsaritzky's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi Rich,


    Thank you for all the replies and the time you obviously spent reviewing the environment.  I finally found a resolution - when I was configuring my Authentication, I was specifying the NTLM authentication as

    Username: MyDomain\MyUserID

    Password: xxxxxxx

    Domain: <left blank>


    What I had to do is specify the domain separately in the "Domain" field, e.g.

    Username: MyUserID

    Password: xxxxxxx

    Domain: MyDomain


    Once I did that, the web service responded.


    Again, I am new to web services, so I don't always know where to look or what responses actually mean.  But i do appreciate your time.



