Forum Discussion

fredrelv's avatar
12 years ago


Hi all,

im user of soapui and i´ve hundreads of tests on my workspace, but i want to run that by a batch file or something that can run it at once and the output it will be a report that tells me what tests passed and what tests failed.

IS it possible.?

1 Reply

  • zephans's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I have the same exact question. I have 12 Web Services each containing from 1 to 20 web methods to smoke test.
    HACK: You can generate a testrunner report to get the command line syntax for running all tests in one project.
    ISSUE: The problem is I need to repeat this command line for each project (and alter output for each to avoid overwriting). Great, now I have 12 reports (one for each Web Service project). Furthermore I have no single overall full report with links to each of these full reports.

    Please reply if you have info or explain how you generate reports for multiple SoapUI projects.

    If there is no reply then I'll post this as a new topic to the SoapUI Pro forum as soon as my account gets fixed.
    Thanks! -ZephanS