Forum Discussion

PerfTestMike's avatar
13 years ago

Installing LaodUI on a machine with no internet access

Hello all,

I have seen another post regarding this topic, but I'd like to start up a new one in case anyone has the same issues I have.

Basically, in our test environment, we have a number of machine that we use to generate load; all of which are accessed remotely via RDP.

I am trying to install LoadUI on one of these remote machines, but when I attempt to run it, it returns an error about being unable to load JavaFX. On this machine, I have already installed JavaFK SDK 2.0.1, JavaFX 2.0.1 and the JDK version is version 6 update 29.

I did this by downloading the installation files to my machine, copying them to the remote machine and running the installation from there. The Java installations work fine, but LoadUI is still complaining about not being able to load the JavaFX components.

Any help on this at all?

13 Replies

  • SmartBear Support wrote:
    PerfTestMike wrote:
    Has anyone else reported this issue? I was hoping to (at some point) work with the LoadUI Agents for distributed testing.

    With the Agents, is the load not divided across the machines where they are installed? I would have thought that the agents work by sharing the load across the multiple instances...

    This is not a know problem, and we have never had it reported to us (before). We encourage anyone that experiences this to give us information such as: Project setup, version of loadUI, Local machine specs, Agent A specs, Agent B specs, type of network, type of router/switch, etc.

    Thank you!

    SmartBear Software

    With the Agents, am I correct in assuming that if I wanted to run in 300 trans/sec accross 5 machines (1 with the main loadUI programm and 4 which would have a LoadUI agent on it) this would mean that each agent and machine would run at 60trans/sec?

    I'm curious because this is how we ran load tests using the Oracle Application testing Suite.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Yes, this is pretty much how it would work. However, in distributed mode the loadUI client itself doesn't issue requests, delegating all the work to the agents. You will therefore need to use 5 agents, as well as the controller machine (though you can install and run the agent in parallell with the controller, having that machine double as both controller and agent).

    SmartBear Software
  • Thankyou very much, that was most helpful!

    We've only just started using LoadUI here so I'm very excited to see how it will work out, especially when testing from the Cloud.