Forum Discussion
I'm sorry - I'm kind of lost by your description - could you provide a littel more info please?
What I got from your post is that you have a json response and 'Result' attribute value is actually an escaped html string. The attribute value contains a data-id attribute within the div element with a value of '551215'. You're using a property transfer to transfer the value of '551215' to a testcase level property - is that right?
Are you saying that when you try the property transfer - the value being written to the testcase property is not '551215' but '55125'? is that right? cos that value isn't even being truncated - it's a totally different value. Or are you saying you already have a value written to the testcase property?
As I say - I'm a little lost from your description - someone cleverer than me might understand - but I'd need a bit more info to get exactly where you're coming from
Hi richie, thank you for your time.
I'm sorry for my first post and try to discribe more clear.
1) I perform Post Metod and have response like this: see response.txt and
see Screenshot_1 in attache.
2) This response contains 'Result' attribute value is actually an escaped html string.
The attribute value contains a data-id attribute within the div element with a value of '551215'.
How is possble to parse a value from data-id attribute only? And write this value in property.
The value of data-id attribute is differenet for every response.