Forum Discussion

Bibu_Philip's avatar
New Contributor
11 months ago

Data Sink always updates the 1st row in excel sheet

Hi Team,


With the latest version of ReadyAPI (4.39.0), the Data Sink will always write to the first row of the excel sheet when the row is selected by dynamically assigning the cell value for "Start at Cell" parameter of Data Sink.

I define a Custom Property called "prop_StartAtCell" in "Custom_Props" Properties step and give an initial value of A1

In groovy script, I dynamically change the value from A1 to A2 or A3 based on certain conditions.

In the Data Sink step, I select Excel as the Data Sink, and assign the "Start at Cell" parameter as ${Custom_Props#prop_StartAtCell}. So, while running the test case, it will dynamically assign A2 or A3.

However, the Data Sink will always write the data to A1, not to A2 or A3.


Looking for a solution or fix for this issue.



B Philip



  • Hey Bibu_Philip 


    From your description, and assuming you haven't done anything to break things - it doesnt sound like you're doing anything wrong - more as though ReadyAPI is ignoring a perfectly valid parm where it shouldn't.


    you say "in the latest version" as though this differs from the behaviour your saw in the previous version you had installed.  Did you upgrade and THEN notice the your startAtCell parm being ignored? 


    As you don't appear to be doing anything wrong, i doubt there's a 'fix' and the workaround I can think of  isn't necessarily helpful is try a different datasource ( I typically steer clear of .xls/.xlsx and use .csv's cos there's less likely to be problems, but if you've got everything already setup to work via Excel, this isn't going to be quick).


    HOWEVER - I keep coming back to the thought you shouldn't have to make large changes to support what sounds like a regression in ReadyAPI.  If this worked before then you shouldnt have to change.


    Can you not rollback to the previous version for now?  I know it's always tempting to pickup the latest version as soon as it's available, but I always stay at least a couple of releases behind the latest available version until it's been proven to be stable with no problematic regressions breaking previously working tests (unless the latest version includes code fixes that you need that is).


    I'd also raise a tech support ticket so SmartBear are aware of the issue - they won't necessarily be aware if this is a new regression.


    Thats all I got Im afraid - perhaps someone else has better ideas?





2 Replies

  • Hi Rich,

    Thanks for your prompt response!

    The DataSink works correctly in v3.48.0.

    That being said, I raised a ticket with Customer Support, and they replied back saying DataSink (with excel) doesn't work outside a DataSource - DataSource Loop.

    So, if you need to update a specific row in an excel sheet, the only solution is to use groovyscript and import java libraries to achieve this functionality.


    Bibu Philip

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey Bibu_Philip 


    From your description, and assuming you haven't done anything to break things - it doesnt sound like you're doing anything wrong - more as though ReadyAPI is ignoring a perfectly valid parm where it shouldn't.


    you say "in the latest version" as though this differs from the behaviour your saw in the previous version you had installed.  Did you upgrade and THEN notice the your startAtCell parm being ignored? 


    As you don't appear to be doing anything wrong, i doubt there's a 'fix' and the workaround I can think of  isn't necessarily helpful is try a different datasource ( I typically steer clear of .xls/.xlsx and use .csv's cos there's less likely to be problems, but if you've got everything already setup to work via Excel, this isn't going to be quick).


    HOWEVER - I keep coming back to the thought you shouldn't have to make large changes to support what sounds like a regression in ReadyAPI.  If this worked before then you shouldnt have to change.


    Can you not rollback to the previous version for now?  I know it's always tempting to pickup the latest version as soon as it's available, but I always stay at least a couple of releases behind the latest available version until it's been proven to be stable with no problematic regressions breaking previously working tests (unless the latest version includes code fixes that you need that is).


    I'd also raise a tech support ticket so SmartBear are aware of the issue - they won't necessarily be aware if this is a new regression.


    Thats all I got Im afraid - perhaps someone else has better ideas?



