Forum Discussion

baechu123's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Creating mock service in Ready! API

Is there any other way on how to create a mock service without using ServiceV?



3 Replies

  • Technically you can create a bastard of a test suite with a lot of SOAP/REST VirtResponse test steps and groovy code to handle the issues that happen. This is not how we recommend to do virting.


    But why do you want to? Basic services in ServiceV can be created without a license, and its a lot cleaner. You can start and stop virts from your tests as well, without doing it manually.

    • baechu123's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Can I also add a property transfer to the mock response without purchasing the license?


      • IgorG's avatar

        You can do property transfer from project or virt properties, but data sources are a pro feature. You could probably cook up some groovy magic to use SoapUI NG data sources through.