[Floating licence / ProtectionLS] Cannot create HTTPS service for floating server
I'm having lots of trouble while setting up a fresh install of Protection Licence Server tool on a Linux Ubuntu environment.
Everything looks fine, until my script calls the Licence Manager to retrieve the floating licence.
The command in my SHELL script :
java -jar /ready-api-license-manager/ready-api-license-manager.jar -s DISTANT_IP:1099 -c
The following errors occurs :
Reason: Failed to create HTTPS service for floating license server.
I understand the error but I cannot see why this is happening
I successfully installed and started Protection LS tool on my distant host as you can see :
2021-01-13 16:44:48,954 INFO [main] - STARTING managementSupport
2021-01-13 16:44:49,180 INFO [main] - STARTED managementSupport
2021-01-13 16:44:49,658 INFO [main] - STARTED
2021-01-13 16:44:49,702 INFO [main] - BOUND: rmi://localhost:1099/LicensingServer
The logs above are from the Protection LS v4.9.0 which is working fine on another server (EDIT: with an older v1.2.8 version of the licence-manager. It's not working with the latest 1.3.2). I also tried with Protection LS v4.9.4/v5.3.1 and I observed the same issue.
For the versions 4.9.4/5.3.1, I had to use a different port in the server.xml file (<module id="httpInterfaceModule" securePort="443"/>) since 443 was already used by our nginx.
Any idea why this error happens ?
As far as I understand from the support case opened for this issue, the problem was that a license was installed but wasn't assigned to anyone.