Forum Discussion

thomasfromla's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Bug? LoadUI Memory Leak?

I have had LoadUI (2.6.6) crash many times during a lengthy load test with 9 web services and 12 statistics. To investigate it, I opened my Windows Task Manager and watched the memory used as I ran a test. This is what I found:

1. Memory use is ALWAYS increasing.
2. When I start LoadUI, it typically uses about 200,000 K.
3. After running my test for about 30 minutes, it goes up to about 1,000,000 K.
4. If I open and close any window, memory use goes up.
5. If I view the 12 statistics the memory use goes up.
6. If I close some windows the memory it is using goes up.
7. If I interact minimally with LoadUI while the test is running, my memory use often increases to over 2,000,000 K and with some interaction, can easily go over 2,500,000 K which causes it to lockup and/or crash on my PC.
8. Any suggestions other than get more PC memory?

4 Replies

  • Hi,
    Looks like you have found some kind of memory leak. We need to reproduce this to be able to fix it. Could you please clarify what you are doing in LoadUI and in you SoapUI projects when this occurs?

    The best way would be to send us your LoadUI and SoapUI project files.

    Another way to help us would be to acquire an heap dump from when this happens. Look at the below link for details on ways of getting this: ... not-runnin

  • thomasfromla's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thank you for replying.

    In LoadUI, I am sending 9 different web service requests using 8 SoapUI projects at about 2-3 requests per second.

    I cannot send you the soapUI project files (there are 8 of them) since they have passwords, but i am sending you the LoadUI file. Would the WSDL files work?

    It's not so bad if I remember to restart LoadUI before running each test and occationally reboot my PC.

    Overall, I'm very happy with both LoadUI and SoapUI. I'm attempting to get my company to buy the pro version of LoadUI. I have already purchased the pro version of SoapUI.
  • Hmm, these kind of issues have proven hard to reproduce in the past. I think the best way for us to proceed with the issue would be if you could get us the heap dump from LoadUI. This would really make us able to pinpoint the problem. Could you see if you could try to get one with some method described in the below link? ... not-runnin

    I think that VisualVM is the easiest tool for acquiring an heap dump.

    Its great to hear that like SoapUI and LoadUI! Do you want me to connect you to a LoadUI sales guy? He can probably make a good deal for your company.

    Also, thanks for reporting the issues you have found. It really helps us make LoadUI great.

  • Additionally to Max's comments, please make sure you read the SoapUI article about Improving memory usage, as in your case the problem might actually be on the SoapUI side! For example, do you keep sessions alive between requests, Discard OK Results, etc?
