api key & google maps
Using Ready API! and have a call to Google distancematrix (Google Maps). Call is working but I have exceeded quota and must add an API Key to the URL. I can do this in a browser but do not see how to add this request property to my URL. I have added the key in custom properties at the method and project levels but do not see how to bring this into the Google call. Other calls seem to be more flexible but I don't have a way to add a property in this Google world. Maybe this can be done by authentication of some kind? Maybe there is a way to add a request property that I do not see? Anyone else seen this problem?
I found a solution to the Google Maps authentication thanks to the SOAPUI Cookbook (kudos to you Rupert). The issue I was having was that I was using the template Google Maps REST call that I got as a packaged download. It was a great introduction to Google; however, as a package, it did not allow for additional fields to be added.
To solve the problem, I created a new REST call using the APIs that were part of the download package. With the newly created REST call, it was easy to add the necessary additional fields including one for "key". Hope this helps someone else who downloads the Google Maps API package and hits a wall with authentication.