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Anonymous's avatar
14 years ago

CodeCollaborator Release Notifications

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You can see our latest Collaborator Release Notifications here.


The SmartBear Team

  • Dear Support Team,

    When the next major release of Collaborator coming out? We need few improvements.

    1. Version 8.2.8202 Homepage is properly implemented, but during navigation in User Tabs - all pages look same as old version. This is an usability issue for the User.

    2. We need back the Admin feature to handle content cache. It was present in v6.5 but gone in v8.x

    3. There should be a functionality of copy review to create a new review by cloning an existing one.

    4. Feature required to link multiple reviews - one to many and Parent/Child

    5. Functionality to integrate to ClearQuest and Rational Change for external defect tracking.

    6. Server side performance improvement while adding a Changeset to review. The request should be coming from Client UI, but the processing should be handled between TFS and Collaborator Server. We are facing performance issue for users located in other country.
  • mhammer's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Welcome to Collaborator v8.3!

    SmartBear Software is pleased to announce the release of Collaborator 8.3, a new version with several exciting enhancements, including:

    Invite a Colleague. This feature allows you to quickly invite a colleague to a review through the chat and conversation panels. Simply add their email address to the section and they can be invited, depending on your settings.

    Performance enhancements. This version contains several performance enhancements including making reviews with many conversations much faster.

    RTC integration enhancements. Collaborator now handles automatic Work Item approvals for RTC and adds Collaborator reviewers as Work Item assignments.


    There are a number of other smaller changes in Collaborator v8.2. You can see the full list here.  

    Download Collaborator

    If you have any questions about licensing, please contact sales. If you have any technical support questions, please contact the SmartBear Support Helpline.

    Best Wishes,

    Mark Hammer & The SmartBear Team

  • mhammer's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Welcome to Collaborator v8.4.8403!

    SmartBear Software is pleased to announce the release of Collaborator 8.4.8403, a new version with many fixes and improvements. You can view the full list here:

    Download Collaborator

    If you have any questions about licensing, please contact sales. If you have any technical support questions, please contact the SmartBear Support Helpline.

    Best Wishes,

    Mark Hammer & The SmartBear Team

  • mhammer's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Welcome to Collaborator v8.5.8500!


    SmartBear Software is pleased to announce the release of Collaborator 8.5.8500, a new version with many fixes and improvements. You can view the full list here.


    Note that this new version requires Java 1.7. If you do not have Oracle Java 1.7 installed, please do not upgrade. RTC customers should continue to use plug-in version 8.4.


    Download Collaborator.


    If you have any questions about licensing, please contact sales. If you have any technical support questions, please contact SmartBear Support.


    Best Wishes,


    Mark Hammer & The SmartBear Team