Forum Discussion

HarryS's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Collaborator URL in participant notification message

After creating a new review, participants are notified via an email message stating, 

"Select this link to display or participate in the review:


In our environment, at least, the URL seems to be a loopback and does not take participants to the actual review package.

Is there a way to configure the outgoing notification email so that it contains a link to the actual review? 

  • HarryS,


    When Collaborator is initially installed, it uses the local loopback address of the machine it was installed on. To resolve your issue, you need to specify an "External URL:" for the server. This is done in the Admin > System > Settings  form. You can use the network accessible IP address of the Collaborator server, or a qualified DNS mapping if you have that setup. 

    Ensure to also use the port setting with your IP address.


    Here is a link to the documentation on that setting:

    Collaborator General Settings 





  • HarryS,


    When Collaborator is initially installed, it uses the local loopback address of the machine it was installed on. To resolve your issue, you need to specify an "External URL:" for the server. This is done in the Admin > System > Settings  form. You can use the network accessible IP address of the Collaborator server, or a qualified DNS mapping if you have that setup. 

    Ensure to also use the port setting with your IP address.


    Here is a link to the documentation on that setting:

    Collaborator General Settings 


