3 years agoFrequent Visitor
CodeCollaborator Client Not working, Uninstall Client and Install Client not working.
I have been using CodeCollaborator Client Gui Version 12.5.12503.85 for a long time. Today when I tried to run it nothing happened, no error message.
Rebooting my machine does not help.
When I run the Uninstall nothing happens also, no error message. Client seems to still be on the machine and in the program list in Control Panel Uninstall or change programs.
When I run the installer both for ccollab_client_12_5_12503_windows_x64 and ccollab_client_14_0_14000_windows_x64
Dialog comes up and then disappears, with no other actions.
I have messaged other members of my team, they are not getting this problem.