Forum Discussion

cirs's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

addversions command can't configure the ClearCase web view

Hi all,


 I'm trying to use command line to upload file of different versions to collaborator review. 


 It looks like the collaborator can only configure the snapshot view and dynamic view, but not web view.

When the webview is passed in as the argument, the error message reads as:


ERROR: Could not configure SCM system:
SCM system could not be auto-detected, but there was an error: Cannot run program "ccm" (in directory "D:\ccviewrc\yin_chess_sy_int_web\CIRS\recon\sft\AcqGem\Ag2LS
pi.mak"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid



Please see the attachments of the unsuccessful run of web view vs. the successful run of a snapshot view. 



3 Replies

  • OlegB's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hello Cirs,


    Could you please provide us with the information about versions of your server/client?

    • cirs's avatar
      New Contributor



       I'm using "Collaborator 8.5.8502 © 2005-2014 SmartBear Software, Inc"



       I also tried to specify the SCM to be ClearCase in the command line, the error message is different, but it still can't be configured.



      D:\ccviewrc\yin_chess_sy_int_web>ccollab --scm ClearCase --ccrc-server-url http://usdclemrd1mscc9:9080/ccrc --ccrc-user MYUSERNAME --ccrc-passwd MYPW addvers
      ions 14224 "D:\ccviewrc\yin_chess_sy_int_web\CIRS\recon\sft\AcqGem\Ag2LSpi.mak" /main/CLE_integ_karnadi_chess/yin_chess_dev_1/1 /main/CLE_integ_karnadi_chess/0
      Connecting to PeerReview Complete Server
      Connected as: XXXX
      Loading review ID 14224.
      Attaching Named Versions to Review
      SCM system is configured to ClearCase
      ERROR: Could not configure SCM system:
      Rational CM API for ClearCase Remote Client not found

      • OlegB's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hello Cirs,


        Thank you for the information.


        Please note Collaborator integration with CCRC uses the Rational Change Management Server API. Make sure that you selected the necessary jar files when running the Collaborator client installer. If not, you can manually add them.