Forum Discussion

MrVitriol's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

How can I export test cases belonging to one test cycle?


we were running our tests on squad for quite some time. At the time of delivery, I exported all the test cases that we used during the testing of this release as an xml and delivered that to the customer too. Since every test case had a solution version it was easy to filter out the test cases in Jira. 


Now we switched to scale, and I cannot do the same here as it seems. In the cycle I see all the testcases we use and can select them too, but I cannot export from here. In the overview of test cases on the other hand I can export the cases, but I cannot filter on the solution version because that is a trait of a cycle.


So now the question arises how to do my export.


I could use a custom field in the test cases to track the covered version but that is not very practical for several reasons.


I hope some one can point me to a easy to use solution 🙂

  • Hi Andy,

    I just wanted everyone to know the situation. It was unfortunately not a feasible solution to work with the API and the report. I contacted the support and got the answer that they are sorry for the lack of this important feature. 


    They recommended to use my workaround with the checkbox or multi-select.


    They also suggested to open up a feature request, which I did:


    Thank you for your help!

7 Replies

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Patrick,


    I can see why this is a challenge.  It's a shame this functionality doesn't already exist as it seems  a logical thing to have.  I'm trying to think of a way to work around this issue and am wondering if a combination of the report I mentioned plus the API might help.  You'd use the report to get the test cases within a test cycle, and then use the test case data (e.g. key) as criteria to pass into the API to get the test case/script data that your customer needs.


    I don't know what version of Zephyr you're using but have posted links to the Cloud & Server versions of the API - they're similar but not identical:


    Cloud: Zephyr Scale for Jira Cloud API (

    Server: Zephyr Scale Server API (v1) (


    Hope this helps.  There's always the support team too who you can reach here: Support Portal



  • MrVitriol's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi Andy,

    I just wanted everyone to know the situation. It was unfortunately not a feasible solution to work with the API and the report. I contacted the support and got the answer that they are sorry for the lack of this important feature. 


    They recommended to use my workaround with the checkbox or multi-select.


    They also suggested to open up a feature request, which I did:


    Thank you for your help!

    • MisterB's avatar
      Champion Level 3
      I think that’s right according to how it’s structured in Zephyr Scale. For test cases to appear in the test player to be executed by testers, the test cases are added into a test cycle. Once a test case is executed from the test player (which is in the test cycle), it’s allocated a test execution reference.

      But maybe I’m misunderstanding something about your question as you mentioned executing from a Jira ticket?

      Sent from Mail<> for Windows
  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    If you're looking to get the cycle version for each test case in that cycle, you can get this data by running a report like 'test execution results (list)', then export the data to Excel.  The export has a lot of data that is not visible in the on-screen report, including cycle version.


    Let me know if that doesn't help what you're looking for?



  • MrVitriol's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi Andy,

    thank you for your reply. The export that I have to do ist the test cases themselves. I have to export the textcases as xml so the customer can import the cases to their system. 

    In order to do this I have to know which testcases where part of the test cylce for this release. 


    I can look at the cyle and see all the testcases but I cannot export from that view.



  • MrVitriol's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi Andy,

    thank you for your help. I already thought of the API but it could work easier in combination with the report you mentioned.

    I will let my dev colleagues try this.



  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Sorry, wrong question!!


    Thank you Patrick for sharing the update about your query 🙂