6 years agoNew Contributor
[TestLeft] - Object Tree view disappears when running the application with another user
I'm writing automated tests for a WPF application, and I have some issues when I run my test with another user (using the RunAs method). As soon as I launch the application, TestLeft doesn't seem to detect any object any more, nor can I see any object in the tree view.
When I run the automated tests with my local user (OK):
public PageObject StartApplication() { Process = Driver.Applications.Run("PathToApplication.exe"); Driver.Log.Message("Starting Application"); return new PageObject(Driver, Process); }
When I run my tests with another user (NOK):
public PageObject StartApplication() { Process = Driver.Applications.RunAs("PathToApplication.exe"", "User", "Password"); Driver.Log.Message("Starting Application"); return new PageObject(Driver, Process); }
The result is, my automated tests won't find any object so will eventually go into a timeout.
Allthough not one control is visible in the object tree view, I still can manually interact with the application under test.