6 years agoOccasional Visitor
Return data from database rather than static json
I'm using swagger-blocks:
swagger_path '/articles' do operation :get do key :summary, 'Display all articles' response 200 do key :description, '' schema do property :title do key :type, :string end property :body do key :type, :string end end end end end
returns json like thus:
{ "title": "string", "body": "string" }
That's great but what I really want is to return data from my database rather than static json
- using a call to active record like thus:
def index articles = Article.order('created_at DESC') render json: {status: 'SUCCESS', message: 'loaded articles', data: articles}, status: :OK end
I'm using Swagger v2. Are you able to help me with a swagger_path
definition/code syntax i.e.?
swagger_path '/articles' do response 200 do // Get database results here... end end
Thanks in advance.