Forum Discussion

mbedoian's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

When will the ability to make APIs private be available

We have been using Swagger for documentation of our existent APIs and are trying integrate Swagger Editor/Hub into our design process.  Unfortunately, the lack of "private" API designation makes Swagger Hub into our process a complete non-starter.


Any idea when this might be possible?



  • Hi, I'm happy to announce that we have launched private APIs and organizations.  You can create API definitions, collaborate and share your designs privately--you have full control over the release of API definitions to the public on a per-version basis.  You can enable this premium feature under your account settings when logged in.


    You can now also gesign and develop your API definitions under your organization namespace.  You can create teams to logically group participants in your organization, and to easily control access to definitions for multiple users at once.


    Please try it out at and post your feedback!

6 Replies

  • Hi, I can tell you that it's definitely in progress, and the private aspect won't be long from now.  Until then, it'd be great to get your feedback on the SwaggerHub project in it's private form with test APIs!

    • mbedoian's avatar
      New Contributor



      Thanks for the update.


      I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you are asking here:


       Until then, it'd be great to get your feedback on the SwaggerHub project in it's private form with test APIs!




      • fehguy's avatar

        Hi, my suggestion would be to try out SwaggerHub with your non-private APIs or test APIs to provide feedback, knowing that the private feature is coming soon.