Forum Discussion

smotz's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

dropdown version selection for private APIs



if you use the dropdown to go to a private API version, the URL is malformed.

Instead of redirecting to /api/customer/spec/0.4.0 it redirects to /api/customer/spec/-0.4.0 and returns a 404


Best regards



P.S.: Is this the right forum for issue reporting, or do you have a separate space for this?

  • Hi, we have fixed this issue!  Thank you again for reporting it and if there's anything else we can help with, please let us know

  • Hi, you're in the right place!  I believe you have to do a hard-refresh of your browser to clear the cache.  We're working on making that automatic on new releases.


    Typcially it's SHIFT+refresh in your browser.  Can you please try that and let us know if it resolved your issue?

    • smotz's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Tony,


      I cleared browser cache, no change.


      For clarification: the pop up does work on the API page, but it does not work from the API list view.


      Best regards,


      • fehguy's avatar

        Got it--yes I can reproduce that.  We'll get a fix out and post back here.