3 years agoNew Contributor
Unable to load Oracle fusion (version 22A) wsdl in SOAP UI - got InvalidDefinitionException
I am working on to load the Oracle BI - SecurityService WSDL file in SOAP UI.
http://<host and server>/xmlpserver/services/v2/SecurityService?wsdl
I got following error while load the wsdl url,
java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url.
I got the following exception in the error log file,
I could browse the WSDL url via browser but having error while loading the WSDL. Also i am able to run the wsdl function in Boomerang.
I tried to test the same by enabling TLSv1.2 in SOAP UI VM options but doesn't help much, still getting the same error. Since it is a public wsdl, proxy setting is pointing as "Automatic" in soap ui. How could i address this?
I tried to test the same by enabling TLSv1.2 in SOAP UI VM options but doesn't help much, still getting the same error. Since it is a public wsdl, proxy setting is pointing as "Automatic" in soap ui. How could i address this?
Please help me on this. Appreciate if you could assist quickly to address the issue.