Forum Discussion

pmr001's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Required fields on Test Cycles


A testing team would like to require Environment and Fix Version fields on test cycles.  Is this possible?




  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Could not understand the question. Possible to add more details of the issue please?
    • pmr001's avatar
      New Contributor

      Our team wants to require Fix Version and Environment fields be filled in as part of creating a test cycle.   Alternately, they would like to require these fields in order to run the cycle.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        Thank you so much for your response. May be understanding is limited or lack of context.

        Are you using SoapUI Free version?
        Where do you want to fill those details?
        SoapUI is not a test management tool, instead test execution tool.

        Is that you want to mark / associate particular ( or each) test case and your application version, environment details so that one can identify them? If so, then there can be multiple options, and need to see what works better for your software that is under test and your team.

        - evnironments : One can achieve this using different property file for different environment. How to do, is explained in below thread.

        - Regarding application version: Have your project under version control system (vcs) (such git / svn / cvs, so that you can make changes as per the need. Since the project artifacts are under VCS, you can take whatever version you need.