Forum Discussion

suresh_1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Problem in entering records in the database w.r.t VU

Load Scenario: - User
login into the application and create a new "Item".

   When try to run the Load Scenario with 500 VU Load Profile Start
with  5 Users add 50 Users every 20 sec, Only 180 items are entered in the

   When try to run the Load Scenario with 500 VU Load Profile Start
with  5 Users add 30 Users every 20 sec, Only 260 items are entered in the

       Please guide what Performance measures
should I take to make my web Server to enter data for all 500 items for
all the 500 VU and also guide me what make my server not able to enter all the
items w.r.t VU in the database. Where exactly the problem exists???


  • Hi,

    Just try below 

    1. double click on your load Test case 

    2. It Opens the page, that is  usually as we give the Step wise count in the bottom of the Page

    3. Observe that Usercount option is there on top 

    4. You enter 500 Vu on that field., that means it is the max count 

    5. Run the Test case.

    6. You can observe all the 500 vU intialize and show in "Execution Progress" tab and it will  give the Results.


    Praveen Kumar P.