Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
12 years ago

[LoadUIWeb] Multiple Scenarios and Tests in one project

You can record more than one user scenario and create more than one load test in one project. Multiple scenarios recorded into the same project can be used to create tests based on different user behaviors and combine them into a single test, or use them in different tests that are run in sequence.

Each time you start recording a user scenario it is saved under the Scenarios node in the current project and is therefore available to create tests in the same project. There are a variety of ways scenarios can be used to create new tests in the following simple ways:

1. Creating a new test for a recorded scenario: in the Project Explorer panel, right-click on the Tests node and choose Add | New Item from the context menu. Right-click within the test editor and select New Item from the context menu to add a new virtual user profile.Then choose the scenario from the Scenario drop-down list. Set other property fields of the new test after that.

2. A single test may use more than one scenario. In order to do that, you will need to add multiple virtual user groups. To add a virtual user group to an existing test:right-click within the test editor and choose New Item from the context menu. This will create a new virtual user profile. Select the scenario from the Scenario drop-down list. When a test with multiple virtual user groups is executed, the different virtual user groups run in the back-to-front sequence - when the first one completes, the next one starts.

  • Dear sir,

     I'm a new user using to LOADUIWEB software, I'm working a small organization now recently they want  load runner report ask our clint so i install Trialer version LOADUIWEB, I try to excute my my project many times but it is faild to Secnario plz help where i did mistake , Why my Report is Faild  Plz Explain me 

    Thank You ,
