Forum Discussion

ahernandez's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Server SSL Certificate verification failed, issues is not trusted

Hi All,
I'm using codereviewer tool for collaborator, I'm trying to connect collaborator with SVN subversion, but I'm getting this error:


"svn: E230001: Server SSL certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted"


I'm not really sure what is the issue, I already reviewed my certificate and is fine.
NOTE: as this is for internal purposes, I created my own certificate using OPENSSL.

I really appreciate your help and time.
thank you.

<script src="/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js?9.0.9001" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/ext/ext-all.js?9.0.9001" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/script/jsutil-min.js?9.0.9001" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/script/dom-min.js?9.0.9001" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">// var wizardConfirmNavigate = false; window.onbeforeunload = function() { if(wizardConfirmNavigate) { return "All changes will be lost."; } }; // </script>

  • Hello,

      That error is coming from SVN: Please try running an "svn ls" or something similar from inside your working/checkout directory. You should be prompted to accept the certificate, make sure that you accept it permanently.




  • Thank you, now is working, I already accepted the certificate permanently, but now is throwing another error, I don't know exactly why, this is the error: svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/viewvc' svn: PROPFIND of '/viewvc': 200 OK (https://server) do you have an idea?
  • Hello,

      That error is coming from SVN: Please try running an "svn ls" or something similar from inside your working/checkout directory. You should be prompted to accept the certificate, make sure that you accept it permanently.




  • ahernandez's avatar
    New Contributor
    Thank you, now is working, I already accepted the certificate permanently, but now is throwing another error, I don't know exactly why, this is the error: svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/viewvc' svn: PROPFIND of '/viewvc': 200 OK (https://server) do you have an idea?