Forum Discussion

johnmcdraper's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Issues with internet Explorer.

Does anyone else have issues with IC and the Web UI (Collab 10)?


I have a user that really likes using IE (IE 11, Windows 7).   Everyone once in a while IE will get ‘confused’ in the diff viewer.  If you click somewhere to drop a pin and make a comment, a text box will show up with no ‘add’ button, or you’ll get the add button, but it will sit and spin and never save the comment.   Or sometimes she clicks on a pin and it won’t switch the Chat view to focus on that pin  (It’s a pin issue, as if she clicks on that pin’s chat, it won’t let her enter any comments.


If she reloads the browser page that will clear it up.    We can’t reproduce the problem in FF or Chrome, so I blame IE.


Anyone else have IE issues?   (Or seen these problems in other browsers?)