Forum Discussion

ryanmorris500's avatar
New Member
8 years ago

Backup and Restore instructions for Embedded Database

The latest installation instructions appear to recommend just using the embedded (HSQLDB) database unless the user has "specific needs" (  (I don't think I have any specific needs for something else)


I'm upgrading from a 9.5 CodeReviewer installation.  The upgrade instructions suggest that the user should back-up their database, and the details of doing so are database dependent "See documentation of your database for details". (


However, I can't find any instructions anywhere for how one should backup / restore from the embedded database.  I've read that it runs daily/nightly backups.  But I haven't seen anywhere how I would restore that database once I had upgraded. 


Any pointers on backing up and restoring the embedded database would be greatly appreciated.



  • yimy's avatar
    Community Manager

    Maybe a bit too late, but anyways.


    You can backup the Embedded Database as instructed in the documentation that you pointed out, (


    There are basically two ways to backup the database:

    1. Create a complete backup including file contents, you can do this from the WebUI/Browser. This will create a .zip file that you can use to restore the database.


    2. Create a backup without file contents but in this case you will need to move/copy the installation-directory/tomcat/collaborator-content-cache folder to the new destination/directory.


    For any of these methods, you will need to modify the ROOT.xml file and add the absolute path of the backup file.


    Find the parameter called database-migration-data-path, or create one if it does not already exist. It should look something like this:

    <Parameter name="database-migration-data-path" value="c:\temp\" override="false" />


    I hope that helps.



    • DaveN59's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hello -


      I am trying to duplicate our Collaborator Community installation (v 10.1.10100) on a new server so that I can practice upgrading to the shiny new Collaborator Team server we just purchased. I can install the server, but I cannot get Collaborator to pick up the old database entries.


      My thought is that I messed up the first time I installed the server and it created an empty database -- now it won't overwrite the existing database no matter what I do. How do I reset / remove / uninstall the ccollab-server instance so I can take another run at it?


      Or is there something else I'm missing?




      • DaveN59's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        OK, so that was easier than I thought -- I got the server uninstalled and removed, but I don't see how it's possible to follow the instructions as you have them.


        I followed teh migration steps to create a dump of the database and settings. When I install the Community version, it creates the database and starts up automatically. That effectively blocks me from initializing the database with the dump, as I need to edit the file prior to the service startup.


        I'll try it again and see what happens, but the instructions are very confusing in regards to the embedded database.