Tricks of testing 32 and 64 bit version of an app
Hi, I am to test the 32 and 64 bit versions of an application, one called foo.exe, the other called foo32.exe, coexisting in the same directory. I know I can add multiple apps to the Tested Apps node, but I'm not sure in the next steps. I have a complex set of tests and scripts which often refers to mapped objects and aliases created when recording steps in foo.exe. I also have a couple of scripts which refer to the foo.exe process to, for example, check if the app is running before starting tests and close the app. Obviously I would not like to duplicate the set of tests and scripts, so I wonder if there is a way to have TestComplete know which tested app to consider, and intelligently refer to foo32.exe's controls and objects in the scripts recorded with foo.exe. Also I wonder if there is any easy way in scripts to determine the actual tested app (so that I try to close the correct app, for example). Thanks for your time.Solved2.3KViews0likes3Comments