Add tests to cycle via API
Hello all, I am so sorry to bother you every day. Today I want to add a tests into a test cycle via API. I tried to use the following link I created a JWT for the endpoint, used the body which is included on the mentioned link, adjusted the values, but I am getting the error "method field is required.". If I saw correctly it is not included in the body. Can you help me with this? As always I am including some screen shots. Thanks for the tips, TiborSolved4.2KViews0likes6CommentsTest cycle and execution records missing
1. We started using Zephyr squad on trial. We added test cases with steps and executed them in multiple test cycles. 2. On 12th Oct, all the test cases stopped showing the Description, test details and execution options for the issue type 'Test'. Checked the zephyr plugin in Jira apps, and it was showing 'This app was added on Oct 12th 2021'. 3. Checked the JIRA issue settings and observed that there was another issue type 'Test' with label Test in Japanese language added. 4. We moved one of the old test from old 'Test' issue type to new (Japanese)'Test' issue type and it started showing all the details like description and test details and test execution buttons on top for the ticket. so we moved all our test tickets from old issue type to new test issue type to fix the problem. Now, we have all the test cases with description and test details. And came across another problem! All the existing test cycles and test execution records disappeared. They are no more linked to the tickets and the test cycles are not present which were created during the trial period. Need help!!! The execution data is for 2 releases which has screenshots, custom field data and results(pass/fail) distributed across different cycles. JagadeshMadhura can you please help? It looks related to some of the posts you've commented on. As we've already moved ticket from Eng Test issue type to Jap Test issue type, wondering if we will lose any data in the process? (Support ticket raised.)2.2KViews0likes9Commentshow to Integrate Zephyr Squad or Zephyr Scale with Azure DevOps.
I want to Integrate Zephyr Squad/Scale with Azure DevOps Pipeline , Because After running CI-CD pipeline on Azure Devops, it will generate results in the form of Excel file(.xlsx) & Screenshots(.png). so Now Want to Send Test Results from Azure DevOps to Zephyr Squad/Scale. To transfer your test-execution results from Azure DevOps back to Zephyr Scale/Squad, what should I do can anybody suggest. Now I m following Zephyr Squad documention:- Continuous Integration. url: Cases and related Zephyr Actions Missing
Tests Cases and Related Zephyr Actions Missing We are also impacted by this and have hundreds of test cases to resolve. Thank you to those who posted what has happened to them as well. There was an automatic update on 10/10/2021 followed by an install of Zephyr. This update has stopped work for our QA staff and there has been absolutely no resolution presented and no sense of urgency? We are creating workarounds and requesting updates from Smartbear to no avail?Solved1.8KViews0likes3CommentsZephyr API: Problems with BROWSE_PROJECTS permissions
Hi, I'm trying to integrate with Zephyr's API and do some basic things like create a test cycle, add tests to cycle, add execution, change execution status but I keep getting caught up with permission problems. I've had success at different moments with different APIs (200 response) without changing the payload, headers, or how I generate the JWT. So for this reason I believe that the authentication, headers and payload are fine. I'll give an example for how the request is being constructed for add cycle: headers = {'Authorization': 'JWT eyJ...', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'zapiAccessKey': 'ND...'} payload = { 'name': name, 'build': 'Build 3.1.0', 'environment': 'dev', 'description': 'cloned', 'projectId': 10005, 'versionId': -1, } POST '' The response (403) is: '{"errorType":"ERROR","clientMessage":"User does not have BROWSE_PROJECTS permission to perform the operation on project 10,005 issue .","errorCode":169}' So I went to Jira and Zephyr config to try to fix the permissions, but no amount of tweaking with the permissions would fix the problem. Attached is a screenshot of the the permissions for this Jira Project. I also cleared Zephyr cache and the Zephyr permissions cache after each tweak to make sure that the changes would be in effect. Can anyone help?1.8KViews0likes4CommentsWhere do I report a bug that is messing up Zephyr?
Yeah, this was a difficult topic to phrase. I'm not looking for how to create a bug in the programme. I'm looking for a way to tell the makers of Zephyr that there's a bug in their programme. This was a virtually impossible thing to find just by googling, as you can imagine. 😂 I'll attach two screenshots, of the first and second problem. As you can see in "zephyr bug.jpg", "Learn more" is covering Traceability Matrix, which is not click-able. The menu also got stuck so I couldn't scroll down to Integrations etc. The menu unlocked itself after I refreshed the page a couple of times and it became scrollable again, but while "Learn more" got positioned marginally better, the overall text got even more messed up (zephyr bug2.jpg). Still can't click Traceability. Am I not supposed to be able to click Traceability Matrix? Even if that's the case, it shouldn't get overlapped by "Learn more". None of this should overlap this way. I'll attach a screenshot of the second problem, too.1.6KViews0likes2CommentsTM4J Test Cycles Data Export
Hello, Firstly, I would like to thank you the SmartBear community for all the solutions for our queries. Our Organization is planning to get the backup of all the test data which is part of Test Management for Jira (TM4J) cloud. We were able to export the test cases and issues from Jira but couldn't find a way to export the Test Cycle (was known as Test Run) data. No option in the Jira UI and couldn't find anything from Google search specific to what we are looking for. Any help is much appreciated in this regard. Thanks, Shashi1.5KViews0likes3CommentsHow to add an attachment to an execution under test cycle using zapi rest api
Hi, How to add an attachment to an execution under test cycle using zapi rest api. I intend to use python as a programming language. I believe its by using this api-> http://localhost:2990/jira/rest/zapi/latest/attachment?entityId=&entityType= But how do I pass the attachment file or attachment file link(url) to this api? Should entityId be 'executionId' and entityType 'Execution' ?? Thanks.Solved1.5KViews0likes1CommentZephyr Issue with Traceability Matrix (not filtering)
I link a Test to every Bug and User Story There are 17 tests (17 executions) in my Test Cycle that is nested under “Unscheduled” But when I select the traceability matrix and filter with the cycle I want (the one with 17 tests), I expect to see the 17 User Stories/Bugs linked to the 17 tests that were executed, but it grabs 278 User Stories/Bugs. So I think this is a Zephyr issue with traceability matrix. The Matrix is supposed to show the mapping between a requirement to a test to an execution to a defect, but when filtering by cycle it shows me requirements not related to the cycle. Thanks! -Frieda1.4KViews0likes4Comments