Add tests to cycle via API
Hello all, I am so sorry to bother you every day. Today I want to add a tests into a test cycle via API. I tried to use the following link I created a JWT for the endpoint, used the body which is included on the mentioned link, adjusted the values, but I am getting the error "method field is required.". If I saw correctly it is not included in the body. Can you help me with this? As always I am including some screen shots. Thanks for the tips, TiborSolved4.3KViews0likes6CommentsFind tests without test execution
Hello, we are using Zephyr Squad on JIRA Server and have the following issue: We have a lot of test cases, some with executions, some without. However, i have not figured out yet how to search for Tests in JIRA where no execution has been created yet and get a list of those issues. So far what i have read it seems like the issue is, that in JÌRA i can search for tests with JQL and in Zephyr with ZQL? But combinating it is not that easy.988Views0likes0CommentsHow do i get metadata information of Zephyr fields such as actualResults, Expectedresults and so on.
I'm trying to integrate Zephyr for Jira Cloud with other systems and for that the fields like Actualresults, ExpectedResults and other fields present in zephyr component is needed. However, in zephyr api documentation I couldn't find such information to retrieve fields. Please let me know if there is any other way to fetch such information.1.4KViews0likes6CommentsZephyr API: Problems with BROWSE_PROJECTS permissions
Hi, I'm trying to integrate with Zephyr's API and do some basic things like create a test cycle, add tests to cycle, add execution, change execution status but I keep getting caught up with permission problems. I've had success at different moments with different APIs (200 response) without changing the payload, headers, or how I generate the JWT. So for this reason I believe that the authentication, headers and payload are fine. I'll give an example for how the request is being constructed for add cycle: headers = {'Authorization': 'JWT eyJ...', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'zapiAccessKey': 'ND...'} payload = { 'name': name, 'build': 'Build 3.1.0', 'environment': 'dev', 'description': 'cloned', 'projectId': 10005, 'versionId': -1, } POST '' The response (403) is: '{"errorType":"ERROR","clientMessage":"User does not have BROWSE_PROJECTS permission to perform the operation on project 10,005 issue .","errorCode":169}' So I went to Jira and Zephyr config to try to fix the permissions, but no amount of tweaking with the permissions would fix the problem. Attached is a screenshot of the the permissions for this Jira Project. I also cleared Zephyr cache and the Zephyr permissions cache after each tweak to make sure that the changes would be in effect. Can anyone help?1.8KViews0likes4CommentsCreate a new test case via API
Hello all, I would like to ask how can I create Test or any kind of issue through Zephyr's API. I was able to create test cycle through the following API I did not find the way to create an issue or more specifically test case via API. I would really appreciate a tip how to configure headers and body too. Can you please help me with this?Solved1.7KViews0likes4CommentsAdd a new Test Cases into Newly created Test Cycle via API
Hello all, I would like to know how should I add a new test cases into created Test Cycle. In short I already created a test cycle through API, now I want to add a new test cases into the cycle. Note that the whole project is new so no test are present. This is what I want to do. I have several API tests in my Java project. Before the run I create the test cycle (which is working fine), after the creation I execute those API tests and after that I would like to create the text case into the previously created test cycle and send the status (pass or fail). I am getting the API endpoints from the following site: Is it possible in that way? Is there an option to do that? How can I create these test cases in the test cycle? PS: I use Postman for now Thanks for the tips823Views0likes0Commentsqsh error when creating test cycle with API
Hello all, I am trying to create a testing cycle through an API (currently Postman). This is what I am doing I am not using Authorization tab at all. As a JWT generator I use this code in JAVA I tried both "GET" and "POST" methods. An I still get the gsh error like seen in the first Image. I am using the following site to get the idea how should I send an API BTW: I am pretty sure that project ID and version is correct Am I doing something wrong? Can you please help me with this? Thanks a lotSolved2.2KViews0likes7Comments