Component picklist sync from Jira project
As Administrator, I need the option to sync the Jira project component list with the component list I hold in ZE project. It is hard to maintain the components list in two different locations, if ZE want to be fully integrated with Jira this is default requirement.102Views0likes0CommentsJIRA-Zephyr BDD testcase naming consistent with ZE Vortex automation.
Probelm Statement : There is test case name inconsistency between JIRA BDD plugin and ZE Vortex automation. In case if a scenario has 2 Examples table rows, then JIRA BDD plugin will create 2 test cases with identical test names, e.g. "scenario" and "scenario". While in case if test cases are being created through Vortex for the same type of scenario, they will have different names, e.g. "scenario" and "scenario 2". For Cucumber 7 which we are using right now in our framework, here is the naming conventions: “Scenario - Example #1.1”, “Scenario - Example #1.2”, etc. Previous version of JIRA BDD Plugin, it was creating test cases for all Examples table rows with the SAME name, which was inconstant with how Cucumber default JUnit report was doing, which was giving some indexing to each test case name. Due to this , when we are executing BDD testcase created (containing exdample tables) from JIRA using zephyr, results being attched to same testcase . Current and expected testcase naming snapshots are attched Reference :Case #00535844: Test Case name inconsistencies between JIRA BDD Plugin and Vortex automationNeed a utility for Jira to remove inactive links to Zephyr test cases
We need a utility for Jira (could be a script to execute manually, periodically), which can go through Test Links and remove those that are incorrect/inactive – e.g. Test is deleted in Zephyr but the link is still there. This may happen when there are intermittent connection issues. Having incorrect/inactive links in Jira may cause audit issues. The utility can be executed with a parameter Jira JQL query that returns requirements to be cleaned up. OLD ID:-ZENT-I-370Sync Zephyr releases with Jira releases or sprints
As a test lead/manager, I'd like Zephyr to automatically create new releases and sync Stories by watching Jira for new releases (or sprints) so that, when I create a new release (or sprint) in Jira, a new release is created in Zephyr and the Stories magically show up. OLD ID:- ZENT-I-39Add tests to cycle via API
Hello all, I am so sorry to bother you every day. Today I want to add a tests into a test cycle via API. I tried to use the following link I created a JWT for the endpoint, used the body which is included on the mentioned link, adjusted the values, but I am getting the error"method field is required.". If I saw correctly it is not included in the body. Can you help me with this? As always I am including some screen shots. Thanks for the tips, TiborSolved4.3KViews0likes6Commentsserver version: uploading test results to Zephyr Scale via the automation API
Hello! I'm using Zepyhr Scale Server and I would like to upload to Zephyr the results of my automation testsuite made with pytest. I've tried this POST request: post(url="https://{my-jira-host}/rest/atm/1.0/automation/execution/{projectKey}", auth=({my_username}, {my_password}), files={"file":open("","rb")}) but it doesn't work because the response is "errorMessages":["Invalid Custom Format JSON file"]}'. I'm uploading a zip file containing one xml file generated with pytest --junitxml=output/junitxml_report.xml as it's explained here I've tried to make the same request with an API client (Postman) and the error is"InvalidZIPfile", even if I fail the authentication with a wrong username or even if I upload the xml file only. Maybe someone does the same thing and could help me? I'm a newbie 🙂 thanks!Solved6.7KViews0likes10CommentsFind tests without test execution
Hello, we are using Zephyr Squad6.1.1.61109179 on JIRA Server and have the following issue: We have a lot of test cases, some with executions, some without. However, i have not figured out yet how to search for Tests in JIRA where no execution has been created yet and get a list of those issues. So far what i have read it seems like the issue is, that in JÌRA i can search for tests with JQL and in Zephyr with ZQL? But combinating it is not that easy.983Views0likes0CommentsHow do i get metadata information of Zephyr fields such as actualResults, Expectedresults and so on.
I'm trying to integrate Zephyr for JiraCloud with other systems and for that the fields like Actualresults, ExpectedResults and other fields present in zephyr component is needed. However, in zephyr api documentation I couldn't find such information to retrieve fields. Please let me know if there is any other way to fetch such information.1.4KViews0likes6CommentsZephyr API: Problems with BROWSE_PROJECTS permissions
Hi, I'm trying to integrate with Zephyr's API and do some basic things like create a test cycle, add tests to cycle, add execution, change execution status but I keep getting caught up with permission problems. I've had success at different moments with different APIs (200 response) without changing the payload, headers, or how I generate the JWT. So for this reason I believe that the authentication, headers and payload are fine. I'll give an example for how the request is being constructed for add cycle: headers = {'Authorization': 'JWT eyJ...', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'zapiAccessKey': 'ND...'} payload = { 'name': name, 'build': 'Build 3.1.0', 'environment': 'dev', 'description': 'cloned', 'projectId': 10005, 'versionId': -1, } POST '' The response (403) is: '{"errorType":"ERROR","clientMessage":"User does not have BROWSE_PROJECTS permission to perform the operation on project 10,005 issue .","errorCode":169}' So I went to Jira and Zephyr config to try to fix the permissions, but no amount of tweaking with the permissions would fix the problem. Attached is a screenshot of the the permissions for this Jira Project. I also cleared Zephyr cache and the Zephyr permissions cache after each tweak to make sure that the changes would be in effect. Can anyone help?1.8KViews0likes4Comments