Forum Discussion

apuna12's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

qsh error when creating test cycle with API

Hello all,


I am trying to create a testing cycle through an API   (currently Postman).


This is what I am doing



I am not using Authorization tab at all.


As a JWT generator I use this code in JAVA


I tried both "GET" and "POST" methods.



An I still get the gsh error like seen in the first Image.


I am using the following site to get the idea how should I send an API


BTW: I am pretty sure that project ID and version is correct


Am I doing something wrong?


Can you please help me with this?


Thanks a lot 

  • apuna12's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hello Jagadeesh,


    I did everything what was on the page you posted, but it did not help.

    I created a ticket for that.


    Thanks a lot 🙂


    Have a nice day

7 Replies

    • apuna12's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hello Jagadeesh,


      I tried it like you said, but didnt work.. I tried even GET method, I tried to delete the additional "/connect" still does not work. I am getting still the same error.


      Currently it looks like this



    • apuna12's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hello Jagadeesh,


      I tried it like you said, but didnt work.. I tried even GET method, I tried to delete the additional "/connect" still does not work. I am getting still the same error.


      Currently it looks like this