Subscribing to AlertSite Posts
Greetings! I wanted to let you know that you can subscribe to specific AlertSite message types and get notified via email when a new message of that type is posted. We've created the following labels: AlertSite News - Any broad news about AlertSite. AlertSite Maintenance Notice - Advance heads up messages about upcoming platform changes and maintenance. AlertSite Issue Notice - We my use this forum to post about platform issues. AlertSite Release Notes - AlertStie release notes will be posted here, in additon to any in-console notes. You can subcribe to any or all of these and you'll be notified when there are new posts. This message has been tagged with all 4 labels, so you can set up your preferences by clicking, and subscribing, to any of the label/s. We hope this subscription feature will help keep folks better informed about the AlertSite platform. Please let us know what you think! Thanks Denis2KViews1like0CommentsAlertSite Platform Migration Completion Notice
Hi, I'm writing to let you know that the AlertSite platform migration was completed at approximately 5:30pm EDT today (Tuesday)! Several points of interest for users: 1. The IP ranges of the AlertSite consoles, and, have changed. If you have any issues connecting to these URLs from inside your corporate firewalls, please open a ticket using the link below. 2. If you have any issues with existing AlertSite sessions, please log out and restart your browser. 3. Please note that the IP addresses for REST API and InSite users are unchanged and will be migrated at a later date. As mentioned previously, the AlertSite UXM console features a variety of updates and here is a summary of some of the major changes: Night Mode! We are introducing a dark theme for the UXM console. A simple toggle control on the dashboard toolbar allows you to switch between our dark and light themes. Dashboard diagnostic mode: Drill directly into scatter plot and run screen from any time interval displayed on dashboard. Access waterfalls, screen captures, and other details without leaving the dashboard. This functionality can be accessed by clicking any dashboard sparkline or via a new control on the dashboard toolbar. Run Screen Enhancements: Modal waterfall move to step level in run screen User configurable number of runs on run list Run Screen Location Filter. Users can now filter the run screen by location. Run Screen Error Filtering. Users can now filter the run screen to show all failing runs. Previously, filtering was limited to a single error type. Dashboard Enhancements: A new dashboard timeframe - 12 hours - is now available. Ability to set the number of dashboard items at 25, 50 or 100 items. (the current dashboard only shows 25) The Dashboard View configuration panel has been updated to include monitor and group selection so that all Dashboard View controls are available in a single panel. New monitor creation workflow: Process has been streamlined Waterfall enhancement: Users can now copy URLs directly from the UXM waterfall to their clipboard. Alerting Enhancements: Alert recipient groups can now be configured at the step level, so you can target different recipients and templates based on which step fails. The alert recipient group screen has been redesigned. For SoapUI-based monitors: We’ve updated the AlertSite status codes to match the specific codes found in SoapUI and Ready! API. The new status codes can be viewed here: Report capture on error will be turned on by default for new monitors. This will ensure that you have all available information at hand to diagnose errors. Questions or Concerns? If you have any questions, concerns or need help with issues, please get in touch with Trevor Moyer ( or with Denis Goodwin ( Also, if you wish to create a case with Customer Care please visit AlertSite UXM Functionality
Hi, Here's a quick post to let you know about some recently added functionality in UXM. New Administrative Functionality Added to UXM Private Node Server/InSite administrative functionality has been added to UXM. This configuration interface allows users to add or edit new private locations. It can be accessed via the Account Screen, which is located in the user menu on the top right of the UXM console interface. Change Password functionality has been added to UXM. All users now have the ability to change their passwords in UXM via the User Settings screen, which is also located under the user menu on the top right of the UXM console interface.1.9KViews0likes0CommentsAlertSite Deployment Announcement
Greetings! We've deployed some new functionality today. Here's a look at the release notes. Release Notes AlertSite UXM Run Screen Enhancements Screen and source captures and other run-specific views are now surfaced at the corresponding run, step, and/or event level For SoapUI API monitors, retries are now clearly highlighted For SoapUI API monitors, step report details are now surfaced as run details in addition to the existing source capture style presentation For Perfecto Mobile monitors, link to the Perfecto Mobile report now surfaced with each run AlertSite UXM Updated Tour Functionality New AlertSite UXM tour features an overlay style that allows for more interactivity with the underlying UI functionality Other AlertSite UXM Enhancements Test on Demand can now be launched from the Monitor Summary Screen Various bug fixes1.9KViews0likes0CommentsAlertSite Deployment Announcement
Greetings, We've released some new AlertSite UXM functionality today. Here's the note: Release Notes AlertSite UXM Dashboard Now Expands to show locations and steps Dashboard view can now be expanded to display steps and locations for each monitor. This new functionality is accessible for both monitors and groups. For more information on this functionality, check out this help doc: AlertSite UXM Step Charting Enhancement Charts on the 'Monitors' tab now include the ability to group chart by step Various bug fixes1.8KViews1like0CommentsAlertSite Deployment Release Notes
AlertSite Platform Deployment Notice New functionality has been added to the AlertSite Platform New Alert Recipient Type - JSON HTTP Post Alerts can now be sent as an HTTP Post in JSON format. This format will be compatible many popular tools, such as Slack, ServiceNow, and VictorOps. More information on this functionality can be found here: Associate Alert Recipient Groups Directly from Monitor Configuration Screen Recipient groups can be associated or removed from a monitor from the alert tab in monitor configuration. Alert On/Off UXM Dashboard Indicator We've added an indicator in the UXM list and tile dashboard that shows if alerts are enabled for a given monitor. Monitors with alerting enabled will display a bell icon in the monitor tile or row. Additional Configuration Summary Information Added to the UXM Monitor Summary Screen We've added the following configuration indicators to the monitor summary screen: Monitor Enabled Alerting Enabled SLAs Enabled Various bug were also fixed.1.7KViews0likes0CommentsAlertSite Deployment Notice
Hi, New functionality has been added to the AlertSite Platform. Here's a summary. Run View We've expanded the modal waterfall/table view in UXM to include a new Run Summary screen that breaks down a page by slowest and largest objects and provides breakdowns of page content by domain and content type. Some key Run View Summary controls include: Domain Filter – lets you look at all objects, all objects tied to base page domain, all objects in other domains View Control – lets you toggle between the summary, waterfall, and table views Top 5 - highlights the the Top 5 slowest and largest page objects. This view can be expanded to show all objects Object/Payload Breakdown – lets you toggle between domain and content type breakdowns Run View can be accessed by selecting the waterfall button on the UXM Run Screen or on the Dashboard Quick View. Power User Role We're introducing the Power User Role, which functionally fills a gap between the read-only and co-admin roles. Users assigned to this role will be able to manage monitors, reports, alerts and SLAs. These users will not be able to manage users or account settings. Step Level Alerting for Perfecto Mobile Monitors We've added the ability to create step level availability alerts for Perfecto Mobile monitors. This functionality exists today for other multi-step monitor types. Various bug fixes are also included in this release.1.7KViews0likes0CommentsAlertSite Deployment Notice
Hi, Here are the release notes from our most recent deployment. AlertSite Platform Deployment Notice New AlertSite UXM Settings Screen Several existing account and user admin screens can now be found on a consolidated Settings page located under the user admin control on the right of the main toolbar. Additionally, several administrative functions from the 1.0 console have been migrated to UXM and can be found here, including: SSL Certificate management and company logo uploads. There is also a new Sharing Permissions screen that allows administration of all shared dashboard tiles in a a single interface. This is an extension of the recently released dashboard tile sharing functionality. More information about tile sharing can be found here: Firefox DejaClick Update DejaClick for Firefox has been upgraded to version This version includes improvements to better handle recording of dynamic web sites. It also reduces sensitivity to hover and focus events on playback. Performance Health Indicator Update We’ve made some formatting improvements to the Performance Health Indicator tooltips. Various bug were also fixed.1.6KViews0likes0CommentsAlertSite Deployment Notice
New functionality has been added to the AlertSite Platform JSON HTTP POST Alert Recipient Update The recently deployed JSON POST alert recipient has been updated to support basic username/password authentication. More information on this functionality can be found here: New Link to Interactive Charting Interface We've added a link allowing users to navigate directly from the Monitor Summary screen to interactive charting for the current monitor. UXM Dashboard Updates We've added the following dashboard functionality: New Dashboard sort options have been added via a sort control. Users may now sort the dashboard on a variety of attributes including monitor name, aggregate availability, and last run time. The Dashboard tile toolbar has been modified to support two rows of controls. This will accomodate upcoming feature expansion. Additional hover tooltips have been added to provide more insight into the various metrics. The dashboard filter control has been moved to be in alignment with the other dashboard controls. Various bugs were also fixed.1.5KViews0likes0CommentsAlertSite Deployment Notice
Hi, New functionality has been added to AlertSite UXM over the past few weeks, here are some highlights! API Endpoint Monitors We’ve updated the creation and editing experience, allowing you to easily create API endpoint monitors directly from the AlertSite console Easily create assertions based on the JSON or XML payload returned from the API endpoint Capture Compare We now display the failing capture alongside a recent successful capture Works with multiple capture types, including screen captures, SoapUI logs, and view source UXM Test On Demand (TOD) Execute TOD from any monitor or location from UXM interface Launch TOD from monitor specific locations or directly from Dashboard In addition to TOD, users can ‘Run Now’ and execute a monitor run that will be included in run history, clear/trigger alerts, etc. User can also execute a TOD against any URL. Additional URL run types will be included in subsequent versions UXM List Dashboard We’ve made some changes to the UXM list dashboard to include more run information The overall layout has been compressed to show more more monitors Additional styling changes will be added very soon UXM Parity Items Users can now send test alert notifications from the UXM Alert Recipient configuration screen Many account configuration functions are now available on the UXM settings screen Bulk editing of blackouts and SLA settings is now available in UXM Various bugs were also fixed.1.4KViews0likes0Comments