Improve usability and performances in folder views
When you are navigating the folder structure, every time that you expand a folder, Zephyr make a call to load the first level under the selected folder and it redraws the entire tree or at least it changes the position of the list, making very difficult to work with folders. Sometimes the folder is empty and you lost time and focus on what you are doing. Is it possible to improve the usability of those views? The folders tree should not move after that a node is expanded If a folder has not subfolders should not have the expansion triangle at the left (from the beginning because if you try to expand a folder and it's empty the triangle disappears) Make the expansion of the tree structure faster This is not only in requirements or test repository trees but it's the same for every tree in the application. ThanksMap project attachment folders to different remote volumes
Currently, Zephyr Enterprise uses the same folder (local or remote) for attachments for all projects. As an Admin for a deployment where some projects may have > 1TB of attachments, I'd like the option to map specific projects to different volumes so that I can manage disk space and backups separately for those projects. OLD ID:- ZENT-I-216Request the number of lines per page be set to a specific default value (i.e. 100) and stick
Currently, the default value is 50 lines per web page. If user set to 100, then it will change back to 50. Request that user can set to a specific value (i.e., 100). Then by logging out and in, it will save the setting. This feature will improve user experience. Thanks269Views6likes0CommentsIntegrate with Azure Devops for Requirements & Defect Tracking
Similar to Jira, our organization uses Azure DevOps for Requirements Gathering & Defect Management. We would want to continue managing our requirements & defects in Azure DevOps while having the Testing Lifecycle managed by Zephyr Enterprise. OLD ID:- ZENT-I-306Allow users to set their email notification preferences
Currently, when email notifications are enabled, all Zephyr users receive all available notification emails automatically. As a user, I'd like the ability to set my own preferences to receive only the notifications I care about. For example, I may want to receive a notification only when a test case is assigned to me and not receive any emails when a test case is moved or modified, etc. OLD ID:- ZENT-I-120Allow more actions in search view for test repository and requirements areas
When you search for a test, is not possible to do anything, except from exporting. While, it would be desirable to have the same actions you have in the folder view plus the possibility to move search results in a specific folder, for instance, for search results in project folder to the release folder. This is very important when there are more test cases that you need to include in a release because are related features that need to be checked.