include assignee from defects in action report or at least on reports
We utilize the assignee field on defects to drive action items. However, we have not been able to find a way that this is communicated in any method outside of the actual review. Having this on the home page and/or notification activity (tray, in app, email) would help to expedite action.1.3KViews0likes4CommentsRework what is "Action items"
Right now, I get an action item when a review moves to Inspection and I'm the inspector. That's fine, but once I send it to rework, I don't want to see it again until its back at Inspection. Right now though if the author uploads new reviews, it shows back in my Action item list. Likewise Inspectees will have their review show as an Action Item while its still in the Inspection phase. For larger reviews this is a problem because they'll start uploading new revisions while I'm still conducting the review. Both of these result in confusion for my team.309Views0likes0CommentsCollaborator URL in participant notification message
After creating a new review, participants are notified via an email message stating, "Select this link to display or participate in the review: <URL>" In our environment, at least, the URL seems to be a loopback and does not take participants to the actual review package. Is there a way to configure the outgoing notification email so that it contains a link to the actual review?Solved889Views0likes1CommentAuto fill user info
Is there a way to have user information auto populated? Just set up a Collaborator server. Using saml to authenticate. When a user logs in they see WARNINGS You have not yet configured your basic preferences. The following settings need particular attention: Your email address Is there a way to pull that information in from their user account so they do not have to fill in their email address?542Views0likes0Comments