Why I dont see GraphQL tab in Endpoints& Environment Section in ReadyAPI?
Why I dont see GraphQL tab in Endpoints& Environment Section in ReadyAPI? We are using 3 different ReadyAPI licenses that supports virtualization, Functional Test, Performance Testing. When looking for GraphQL tab under Endpoints and Environment section to support Functional/Performance testing of GraphQL, we do not see GraphQL tab? do we need to have any additional license for it? can we do GraphQL endpoint validation without this tab? are there any video/webinar links that demo GraphQL endpoint functional/performance testing. Thank you!316Views1like1CommentPerformance testing simultaneous requests
This is probably a dumb question but how can I go about performance testing thousands of simultaneous calls at once to observe how the system handles that? The performance/load/stress tests I've done with ReadyAPI in the past have been about number of requests over time with VUs. In this instance, I don't want say an hour long test run with the same request over and over, I want do test simultaneous calls. How can I go about this? Couldn't really find anything in the docs unless I missed it.769Views0likes7CommentsReadyAPI LoadAgent error "Failed to set the project environment."
We are using LoadUI in distributed mode and sometime some agents throw the following error"Failed to set the project environment." and any test that target that agent fail with an "endpoint is not defined" message. The project only has one environment specified. We can mitigate this problem by restarting agents but this is blocking our ability to add some load testing in to our automated build / deploy pipeline. Has anyone had any experience with this error and what the cause(s) of it could be and how to fix it instead of just mitigating as we do now? Steve261Views0likes0CommentsSmartBear Load Agent
Hi, I am trying to configure Cloud Agent Controller for Amazon Free Tier. Region: US East (N. Virginia) Network: EC2 Classic Zone: us-east-1a Image: empty Capacity: 1 Agent port: 1991 Instance type: t1.micro Connection is succesful When I try to run scenarios on agents I receive a message "Unable to estimate the cost of your test: The image "SmartBear LoadUI Agent" was not found.. You can try to change the region, network, image or instance type, if needed, or contact our Support Team." Manual creation of such EC2 instances with image is successful. SmartBear LoadUI Agent 61 ami-01114066f74e70220 Type=LoadUI Agent;Agent version=61 So what is the issue? Thank you in advance!493Views0likes0CommentsLoadUI Pro Distribution: Scenario does not get uploaded to remote Load agent machine
Hello, I am trying to perform a LoadUI test "distributed" using a load agent that was installed on a remote machine. Everything appears to be connected properly, but When I execute the test in distributed mode, I get "an error has occurred. Unable to start the load test, because the "Pay Est" scenario has not been uploaded to the "G4L" agent. Please try to run the test later." The test runs fine on the local machine, though. Please advise. Thanks, THomas413Views0likes0CommentsData Source Performance Impact
I am having a performance issue with my load test where I can't reproduce the load that is currently being handled in production. I have tried and looked into several things but was wondering if using a Grid data source causes a significant performance impact that could explain the differences in numbers I am seeing. My test loops through a grid of 10K records for the test.424Views0likes0CommentsUnable to generate authentication token with Trustbuilder
I an unable to generate authentication token or token id. If I directly access to below link then it is accessible, but when I am trying to access with Ready API so unable to access it. https://idp.acc-intern-belgianrail.be/tb/html/Kerberos573Views0likes1CommentCloud Agent Controller tries to create duplicated security group and causes error
I am using cloud agent controller to spin up EC server on AWS for performance testing. The first attempt worked fine, however when I tried the second time, it was not working. The first attempt created a security group to allow port 1991 and when the first test ended, that security group was not deleted. When the second test try to create the same security group, AWS refused to create that duplicated security group. I have to delete that security group manually from the AWS console to make the cloud agent controller working again. It is very inconvenient. Is there any way this can be avoided?586Views0likes0Comments