JavaFX WebView Control Support Testcomplete
Dear Team, we are also interested in support for JavaFX WebView control. We are trying to automate testing of an JavaFX Webview Control. Within the WebView we are showing an Webpage which contains an generated Report. Actually we are not able to get any objects within the Java FX Webview Panel. The actual JavaCode for launching the emmbeded WebView from our Java Developer is as following: import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine; import javafx.scene.web.WebView; import javafx.stage.Stage; import com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl; PlatformImpl.startup(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stage = new Stage(); stage.setResizable(true); Group root = new Group(); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 962, 630); stage.setScene(scene); browser = new WebView(); browser.setMaxSize(962, 630); browser.setMinSize(962, 630); webEngine = browser.getEngine(); webEngine.load(uri.toString()); ObservableList<Node> children = root.getChildren(); children.add(browser); jfxPanel.setScene(scene); jfxPanel.setSize(962, 630); } }); Regards, Dirk8.1KViews6likes7CommentsJavaFX Webview support using python scripts
Hi All, I am currently trying to write an automation test script in python to find and interact with objects that are located on a JavaFX Webview window. I have seen the feature request thread which states that there is currently no support for JavaFX Webview controls but I have also seen that it is possible to interact with the Webview controls using the WebEngine object. Is there a way of interacting with this WebEngine object within a python script or are there any other alternatives which would allow me to interact with objects on the JavaFX Webview window? Feature Request Possible WebEngine solution Kind regards, DinethSolved2.2KViews0likes7Comments