ID-Based License management for environment based on multiple users
1-Configure Windows VM in workgroup scenario 2-Login to VM with local user to Install Text Execute 15.61 3-Start Test Execute (License Dialog is displayed) 4-Select Get a License from On-Premise License Server 5-Type License server URL and port then click Apply 6-Test Execute is now working in the VM properly and I'm able to run test 7-Join VM to domain then reboot machine (required by Windows) 8-Login with domain user (user cannot be the same used at step 2) 9-Launch Tet Execute Actual result: License dialog is displayed again with message "Failed to connect to SmartBear server." Cannot obtain the IP address of the SmartBear server. Step 4 and 5 MUST be repeated to make TestExecute working properly. This happens because the user configured in workgroup is different by user used in domain With new version of TestExecute the configuration of License from On-Premise License Server must be done for each users used by test, this means if an environment requires test with more different users the configuration must be repeated. Also, in case the test automation create user for test purpose and then try to switching to new user to do something via test automation it doesn't work.53Views2likes1CommentIntegrate TestExecute into TestComplete so user can run test cases on remote PC with TestExecute.
I would like to see TestExecute integrated into TestComplete so that a user can control the TestExecute instance to run nominated test cases directly from the TestComplete Project. It would be nice to be able to nominate where test cases will be run i.e. whether to run on the current machine under TestComplete or run on a nominated PC (on the network) using the TestExecute application and license attached to the remote PC. Ideally the user would be able to nominate at an individual test case level where to execute the test with the TestComplete PC being the default option. However, even the ability to nominate entire projects to be tested under TestExecute on a remote PC from the Project Suite Test Items list would be beneficial. The expectation being that the results are captured under a consolidated Project Suite log file for analysis. This is fairly high level but happy to discuss further.727Views3likes4CommentsPlease make log directory configurable
Hi all, whenever a test suite is executed via testrunner api by default the suite and its logs are put into C:\windows\temp directory. This causes a lot of trouble because our customers usually restrict access to this particular systems directory or erase content in an automated way. Please provide a way to change the log directory, either by API parameter or user environment variables TEMP/TMP. Best Regards Bene112Views0likes0CommentsChromium Embedded Browser support for version 102 and above
The current version ofChromium Embedded Browser supported by TestComplete is 88, but we need to develop automation for applications having version 102 and above, hence request to support the version 102 and above for achieving greater automation coverage using TestComplete.146Views0likes0CommentsMethod to wait for free TC license
Hi guys, I'm coming from Ranorex world and one of the things I really miss in TC is a method to wait for available license. Our (Ranorex) tests are implemented for many projects and they are started asynchronously from Azure Devops. Because of limited number of licenses, "wait for available license" is crucial for us. Without it, some tests would most probably fail, because of unavailable license. I was quite surprised to find there is no such method in TestComplete. In Ranorex, we have something called WaitForValidLicense(timeout, checkInterval), which simply pauses the execution of test, until the free license is not found (based of defined timeout and check interval). Am I alone who needs something like this in TC? PS: I found an old request from 2016, but it seems it faded away over the years? a wait-for-license option in the Jenkins TestComplete support plug-in
Currently, there is no option to wait for a valid license (either SLM or key-based) when utilizing the Jenkins TestComplete support plug-in. Without this feature, parallel tests can fail if there is no license available during the time of the test. It would be nice is there was a switch to wait for a valid license prior to executing the TestComplete/TestExecute test. There are workarounds that help to some extent; however, they are not complete and do have issues. For SLM licenses, utilizing the Lockable Resources plugin helps, but this only works for resources that are included under the scope of Jenkins and those Jenkins tests accessing the locks. Furthermore, tests can still fail due to a slow release of the license.264Views1like0CommentsAdd more log information on Jenkins Smartbear Plugin TestComplete Test Console Output log
Currently there it is just logged with what exe & version & parameters passed. From past experience it would be good to have following details logged too: Configured session details - Run interactive user session flag - Use active session flag - Session screen resolution (sample 2560x1440) The real facts from the Session Desktop during test execution - Is it an interactive user session? - Is an already active session used or did the test runner created a new one? - Session screen resolution (sample 1679x551 which does not match the requested one see above)319Views2likes0CommentsOpening new tab places it next right and closing tab activates next right and not next left
Hello, I've ticked the "Activate after test run" into the Engines > Log options. In my code editor I've opened two scripts A and B. I'm working on my A script. After executing my project, the new log tab opens next right to my A tab (which is ok) But when I close the log tab, it activates the next right tab (which is my B script) and not my previous active script (which should be my previous left A script). I've to perpetually click on the A tab to go back to my current work after each execution. The behavior is the same whith every opened/closed tab : opening = next right, closing = activates next right tab (and not previous left one) Thanks in advance !336Views2likes0CommentsAdd native support for Encryption, Decryption, and Encoding in several formations
Issue: Having the native ability to encrypt, decrypt and encode in multiple different formats is becoming more and more crucial to working on modern devops platforms. Often times we need to be able to handle encrypted data, be able to decrypt it when necessary, and communicate back encrypted information. Especially with AWS. Requested Solution: Provide native support to encryption, decryption, and encoding similar to Crypto-JS.296Views0likes0CommentsAdd Testcomplete Jenkins Plugin Session screen resolution ultrawidescreen support 3440x1440
Hello Testcomplete Team, Our Testcomplete tests are created with ultrawide monitors3440x1440 and should be testet with thatresolution. Otherwise they will fail. The Jenkins TestComplete PluginSession screen resolution has only thepredetermined dropdownmenu options and dont allow free text. When using pipeline with sessionScreenResolution: '3440x1440 we get the message: [TestComplete] [ERROR] The "3440x1440" is not a valid value for "sessionScreenResolution" parameter. We need utrawide support for our tests to run! At the moment our TestExecutelicense is not in use because of this problem. regards Niclas356Views1like0Comments