ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Ignore Log error on .exe process crashed KittTCYKPB Hi guys, thanks for the suggestions! I did already try to put a LogParams.Locked line in the OnLogError function but it does not seem to enter this function when this error pops up. So I would not know where/when I could implement this that it does run through it. Seems that this error is excluded from the OnLogError function. Ignore Log error on .exe process crashed Hi all, I had a question about ignoring certain error logs. I know you can do this without a problem for real error logs. But for the ones where it says 'the ....exe process crashed' are impossible to ignore so it seems... Does anyone know a way to leave this error out of the loggings? It is some kind of refresh error on the program we are testing but impossible to solve this for our external party it seems. It is not affecting anything else except for our automatic tests, so I would like to leave these error messages out of the logging file to get a decent result instead of every test always being failed. Any help would be nice! (I already tried the onlog events but the process crashes don't appear here.) Thanks! Re: Running tests with devops, testedapps not working Hi thanks for the response, Yes the tests work perfectly when just manually running them on the same machine. The only thing not working is starting the program since this is being done by using the TestedApps... The problem I see here is that the pipeline is searching for the TestedApps on a wrong location. It is under 'TestComplete/TestedApps' but searching for it in a folder below. Is there a possibility to make it search somewhere else? ##[error]Failed to get a list of tests from the "C:\agents\_work\1\s\TestComplete\ReynaProTesting.pjs" file due to the following error: Unable to open the project "C:\agents\_work\1\s\TestComplete\ReynaProTesting.pjs": The 'C:\agents\_work\1\s\TestComplete\ReynaProTesting\TestedApps\TestedApps.tcTAs' file does not exist. Running tests with devops, testedapps not working Hi guys, I am trying to run my tests using CI/CD with Azure Devops pipelines. Now I got this to work with the exception of the 'TestedApps' file. The pipeline cannot seem to find this file, even when it is located where it should. Did anyone else maybe encounter such a problem ? Thanks! Kind regards Re: Object lookup is acting strange Hi Marsha, I know how the wait functions work, I use them a lot throughout my testing framework! Problem is this function has maybe 200 windows that I need to check and if I would use the wait functions this would delay the program by minutes if not hours so that is not feasible... I do think this object lookup functionality is not what I was searching for so I went back to using switch cases instead and this works perfectly, I just tried to find a shorter way to implement this. Re: Object lookup is acting strange Hi Marsha, it is not that I need all of them to show up. This is a function that only checks if at a certain step a certain window is shown. I tried to put this all in one function instead of making numerous smaller functions that all do the same but at different steps in the process. So for example; if the 'free costs' window should be up -> I run this function but it should only search for that window, not for all the rest in the function... Object lookup is acting strange Hi all, I have a question regarding object lookups; I am using this in my tests since I have to check if certain windows are showing or not at the right time. To reduce my code duplication I did this using object lookups as following; var windowPaths = { "vat rates": AddonHost.VATRatesWindow,"adjust dimensions": function () { return logiComWrapper.confirmationWindow.message.Caption.includes( "ventilation" ) ? logiComWrapper.confirmationWindow : Log.Error("The window caption is not correct"); }, "project management import": function () { return AddonHost.projectImportWindow.selectBtn.Caption.includes("Project") ? AddonHost.projectImportWindow : Log.Error("The window caption is not correct"); }, "position management import": function () { return AddonHost.projectImportWindow.selectBtn.Caption.includes( "Position" ) ? AddonHost.projectImportWindow : Log.Error("The window caption is not correct"); }, "project estimation data": function () { while (reynaPro.progressWindow.ProgressDialog.Exists) {} return logiComWrapper.estimationOptionsWindow; }, "free cost": AddonHost.addWindow } windowPaths[windowName.toLowerCase()] This is only part of the object lookup, it is much bigger and it seems that whenever I use this it is still running through the complete lookup and searching for all these items whilst many of them are not existing at that point in the program. This make my test fail even though everything is going right. Somebody that has an idea why this is happening? Looks like it is only at certain values that he gets stuck and others he just ignores... I would think the program only tries to read the 'right' part when the 'left' part is the one you are calling? Thanks in advance, kind regards. SolvedRe: TestComplete crashes when searching for an object not existing in the name mapping file Thanks for the help! Looks like something I could use yes 🙂 Re: TestComplete crashes when searching for an object not existing in the name mapping file The problem was these objects should have been added but the properties changed throughout updates... But thanks for the help! I think I found the actual problem; a recursive call appeared and I let it stop the run but I also tried stopping the run using the stop button. Probably using both was the problem and made the program crash... Re: TestComplete crashes when searching for an object not existing in the name mapping file This is the message I get. Code is literally just 'Aliases.button.Click()', but the button item does not exist in Name Mapping.