ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsApproach for VB scripting in testcomplete Hi, We have been provided with testcomplete licenses by our client. We are new in scripting, can any one guide how to start VBscripting. Our Current approch : Currenly we arerecording script and modifying it as per requirement. Object name is geting captured in the script,butthese scripts do not work smoothly on other machine.. if we want to capture object id how can we do it? also what is manul test, can we use it for scripting plz help Regards, Bhakti How to access jsp form element id' or name in TestComplete tool's Record Script How to access jsp form element id' or name in TestComplete tool's Record Script following is recorded script inVBScript Set emailInput = fieldset.emailinputLoginUsernameInput Call emailInput.Click Call emailInput.SetText("") can we use login_userName_input or email(written in jsp code given below) instead of fieldset.emailinputLoginUsernameInput' TestComplete Tool. Jsp code: <input name="email" class="grid_5 error" id="login_userName_input" type="email" maxlength="50" autocomplete="off"> If yes ,then please suggest ways to us. How to create Manual Test? We are new user to TestComplet tool.Currently we have recorded test using ' Record Script' .We trying to create Manual Test for same ,Please suggest us for how to create Manual test for Web Application Testing Re: Script of one machine is not getting executed on different machine Thanks for reply You are right . TestComplete unable to iddentify the object as on both browsers (IE 11 an IE 8) object name is different . Regards, Bhakti Re: Script of one machine is not getting executed on different machine Hi, Thanks for replay.. Issue is not reated with sorce (wait) time, Systeam has enough time to iddentify the object. One machine where IE 11 has installed i have created script which is working fine. Now when same script is being executed on differnce machine (IE 8) testcomplete does not iddentify the object. Regards, Bhakti script of machine i not getting executed on other machine We have been provided with two tetcomplete licenses. (node locked) We have installed it on two machines. IE 11 and IE 8 are installed repectively on the machines. Script running on one machine (IE 8) is not getting executedon Other machine (IE 11) Objects are not getting iddentified. Error : object doe not exsit Please help Regars, Bhakti Re: Script of one machine is not getting executed on different machine We have been provided with two tetcomplete licenses. (node locked) We have installed it on two machines. IE 11 and IE 8 are installed repectively on the machines. Script running on one machine (IE 8) is not getting executedon Other machine (IE 11) Objects are not getting iddentified. Error : object doe not exsit Please help Regars, Bhakti Re: How testcomplete supports after procuring the license Thankx for useful information :-) Regards, Bhakti How testcomplete supports after procuring the license Hi, We have been provided with Activation License from our client Do we need to ask for"Customer ID" "Username" and "Password" from client. in order to get bestonline support Is the following link for online suuport ? Please help me to understand the supporting process . Regards, Bhakti SolvedNew license has been installed on trial version is it ok? Hi, We got license from our client. (node locked) We have activated license on trial version. Is it ok? Or we should have followed following link Please help. Regards, Bhakti