Forum Discussion

jonjsilver61's avatar
Frequent Visitor
2 years ago

Using the Rest API, how to get the testcases for a test cycle

I'm trying to integrate some homegrown automation tooling into zephyr. I'd like to be able to update all of the testcases of a test cycle. 

In this manner I could create an execution record for each test case in the test cycle. 

Is this the right way to do that?


API Docs that I am using:

It seems that the API requires a testcase on the Create test execution API.  But I'd like to have the option for the caller to just indicate that the testCycle passed without having to have them iterate over each testcase. 




1 Reply

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I've not used the API but it looks like you're aiming to use the right endpoint for the job and the documentation seems clear on the requirements for needing a test case key.  Can I suggest you try the support team here: Support Portal