Forum Discussion

pss-miracle's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Lost formatting of test steps when importing Test cases from Zephyr

This one is about import of test cases, that are exported from Zephyr (on premise) to XML, converted using tm4j-file-converter and imported into Zephyr Scale (on premise). 


What's common for the following 3 points is that the text is present in XML but is gone, once it is imported into Zehyr Scale from file using the "Test Management for Jira" option.


Examples of formatting that is missing:

1) Text between angle brackets, this is how it looks in source


The text between angle brackets is still present in output XML  but is missing after the import:




2. The same happens for text between parentheses:




3. Formatting like bullet points, which looks like this in the source test case


Missing line breaks and headings appear to be missing in the JIRA XML export file already - in the CDATA block containing Zephyr steps content. 



  • Are we missing something in the way to convert Zephyr steps to avoid loosing text and some of the formatting (as described in points 1, 2 and 3)?


  • Is there a way to avoid missing line breaks and headings when exporting Zephyr test cases from Jira to XML
  • We've figured out that having:

    "convertWikiMarkup": true,

    in the settings.json configuration of the tm4j-file-converter prevents text between brackets to be removed. 

    The point 2 with parentheses was not an issue after all (that text was also in some brackets)


    So the remaining issue here is the lost formatting of bullets / text decoration such as bold, italics and headings in test steps: these are lost after export of Zephyr test cases to XML.

    Bullets remain in the XML but are not interpreted as separate lines in Import from file, probably due to line breaks are gone as well during the export to XML.

    I'm posting a question in Zephyr forum in regards to XML export 

2 Replies

  • pss-miracle's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    We've figured out that having:

    "convertWikiMarkup": true,

    in the settings.json configuration of the tm4j-file-converter prevents text between brackets to be removed. 

    The point 2 with parentheses was not an issue after all (that text was also in some brackets)


    So the remaining issue here is the lost formatting of bullets / text decoration such as bold, italics and headings in test steps: these are lost after export of Zephyr test cases to XML.

    Bullets remain in the XML but are not interpreted as separate lines in Import from file, probably due to line breaks are gone as well during the export to XML.

    I'm posting a question in Zephyr forum in regards to XML export 

    • pss-miracle's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Also figured out that missing formatting like headings and lists is a known problem with Zephyr export.


      The answer I got from support:

      As of now, we can only export text files and we can't export formats.

      Also, there is no roadmap for this feature.


      So basically you need to know that if you migrate from Zephyr to Zephyr scale, you'll loose formatting in test steps.